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Nefsis Revision History

Build 387 - June 24, 2011

Major Issues Resolved:

Fixed issue where some faulty webcam and audio drivers could cause a stop error/blue screen of death. Fixed some instances of a URL not encoding or decoding properly

Issues Resolved:

3350 Switching video inputs with the video properties window open causes video failure
3344 Invite by link caption doesn't handle & properly in display
3312 Conference DN should be unencoded when loaded from Flash storage object



Build 386 - June 10, 2011

New Features:

Dedicated setup includes options to configure PC client updating

Major Issues Resolved:

Fixed various VoIP and echo canceller related issues. Fixed an issue where some H.264 video streams did not appear correctly

Issues Resolved:

3330 Exception at 055DB43B: [Access violation at address 055DB43B in module 'wrVfWCodec.dll'. Read of address 000000A0] TConferenceRecorder.HandleVideoAVID
3329 Exception at 004063FE: [Access violation at address 004063FE in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 39303432] TContactDeserializer.DeserializeOutlookCont
3326 Exception at 00D59090: [Access violation at address 00D59090 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000014] (nil).PlaybackAddPacket
3323 Exception at 00434198: [Access violation at address 00434198 in module 'CC.exe'. Write of address 08A16B3C] TwrAudioVoIP.Update
3321 Exception at 00434728: [Access violation at address 00434728 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 98CF0300] TLiveShare.HandleCapture
3319 ''0000'' is not a valid integer value
3315 Exception at 0B08EB25: [Access violation at address 0B08EB25 in module 'H264Dec.dll'. Read of address 19A9F000] TConferenceUser.AddVideoPacket
3314 Exception at 004077F8: [Access violation at address 004077F8 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 40DFFFF8] TMediaShares.Delete
3313 Exception at 00434198: [Access violation at address 00434198 in module 'CC.exe'. Write of address 0A870E90] TwrAudioVoIP.Update
3308 Exception at 009E2CE9: [Access violation at address 009E2CE9 in module 'ServerSetup.exe'. Read of address 00000004] (nil).GetAPSPropertyNode.
3306 PC does not update automatically when PCUpdateMode is 1 and the CurrentVersion is greater than the version installed
3305 Presence client updating form in wizard appears when the user opts to only install the VCS
3304 Dedicated PC passes incorrect command line to Loader when attempting to download update
3301 There was an error processing the request.
3299 ReturnUrl no longer works after logging in
3296 Exception at 00456146: [List index out of bounds (2)] TwrLayoutManager.LoadLayoutFromResource
3289 Exception at 00D5A030: [bdSES_InitAEC failed (Status: 12)] TwrAudioVoIP.StartPaused
3286 USB Audio device may stop working on Windows 7
3285 Device helper onselect messages are not displayed to the user
3283 Share document failure
3282 Warn specific users of possible USB issue affecting webcams
3279 Exception at 00424B62: ['29.97' is not a valid floating point value] TFormVideo.UpdateControls_VideoResolution
3278 Exception at 027F3E31: [External exception C000001D] TwrAudioVoIP.StartPaused
3276 Exception at 00D5A030: [bdSES_InitAEC failed (Status: 23)] TwrAudioVoIP.StartPaused
3275 Exception at 00D5A030: [bdSES_InitAEC failed (Status: 22)] TwrAudioVoIP.StartPaused
3274 Exception at 00D5A030: [bdSES_InitAEC failed (Status: 21)] TwrAudioVoIP.StartPaused
3273 Component clipping issue in Chrome when scheduling a conference
3269 Add open office document file extensions to CC's share document file filter
3259 Access violation at address 004063EC in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address FFFFFFFC
3196 h264 video streams will occasionally not decode for some users
3193 Changing a parent account's deployment should move child accounts as well
3168 h264 playback buffering on slow machines
3148 Child accounts do not inherit parent account's hostname in invitations
3109 PC configured for dedicated APS usage should auto-update to the current version if necessary
3101 ServerSetup prevents installation on 2008 SBS
3045 Parent account can no longer be changed when importing an account CSV file



Build 381 - May 11, 2011

Major Issues Resolved:

Audio playback did not work for participants with no audio recording devices. Audio recording device selection did not activate correct device on Windows XP. Loader.exe has been included in PCSetup.msi

Issues Resolved:

3270 Exception at 00000000: [Access violation at address 00000000. Read of address 00000000] TwrAudioVoIP.Update
3268 Incorrect recording device initialization in Windows XP
3266 Exception at 00C3695F: [Access violation at address 00C3695F in module 'CC.exe'. Write of address 04051000] TFormVideo.Paint
3265 loader.exe missing from PCSetup.msi
3264 Exception at 00D59D25: [bdSES_InitAEC failed (Status: 999)] TwrAudioVoIP.StartPaused
3263 Report output files are not presented to the logged in user as CSV files
3262 Exception: Floating point division by zero
3257 Exception at 00D58604: [Access violation at address 00D58604 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000000] TwrAudioVoIP.CaptureResume
3256 Exception at 00D5826D: [Access violation at address 00D5826D in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000000] TwrAudioVoIP.CapturePause
3255 Exception at 00C3695F: [Access violation at address 00C3695F in module 'CC.exe'. Write of address 044D1000] TFormVideo.Paint
3254 Exception at 02CAB19A: [Access violation at address 02CAB19A in module 'bdSES.dll'. Read of address 08ADD000] TwrAudioVoIP.StartPaused
3253 Exception at 00456119: [Access violation at address 00456119 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 8A1C1200] TConferenceShare.AddAnnotationData
3252 Exception at 027E3AF1: [External exception C000001D] TwrAudioVoIP.StartPaused
3251 Exception at 0041CE9D: [Access violation at address 0041CE9D in module 'CC.exe'. Write of address 17003102] TVideos.Delete
3250 Exception: Invalid floating point operation
3249 Exception at 00D59D25: [bdSES_InitAEC failed (Status: 11)] TwrAudioVoIP.StartPaused
3248 Wrong Icon for Rotate Page
3240 Exception at 0041CE15: [Access violation at address 0041CE15 in module 'CC.exe'. Write of address 31022000] TConferenceUser.Destroy
3237 Access violation at address 004560B5 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000008
3236 Exception at 00CBC96B: [Bitmap encoder initialized without bitmap] TFormMain.wrConferenceRequestRemotePCButtonClick



Build 380 - May 7, 2011

New Features:

Completely new version of the VoIP engine and echo cancellation feature. System ratings reengineered to more accurately reflect machine capabilities. Added support for Internet Explorer 9 and Firefox 4.0.

Major Issues Resolved:

White noise generated by the noise canceler during normal operation has been removed. H.264 video codec should no longer cause errors on older machines. Excel 2010 application shares should no longer end spontaneously.

Issues Resolved:

3243 Invite by contacts does not work with IE9
3239 Add HTTP headers to personal pages to prevent caching issues
3238 Portal shows conference instantiation error message when a named user tries to virtualize multiple conferences simultaneously
3232 Audio does not automatically unmute for attendees
3231 Firefox plugin does not forcibly replace the old one
3230 Disabling AEC does not reduce the CPU utilization of the VoIP engine
3229 Language files need to be updated
3227 Add additional XDD message type
3226 join.html returns incomplete Location header for conferences which are not currently virtualized
3225 Exception at 004620AC: [Thread Error: The handle is invalid (6)] TFormConnecting.TimerBlinkTimer
3223 Invalid pointer operation
3222 Exception at 00CAFA1D: [Access violation at address 00CAFA1D in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 0000000C] TConferenceUser.SetVideo(Width=320, Height=
3220 Access violation at address 00530045 in module 'CC.exe'. Write of address 8B2270D4
3218 Exception at 004063A9: [Invalid pointer operation] TConferenceShare.AddAnnotationData
3214 Clearing the personal picture does not seem to workmust be cleared twice to be deleted
3213 Clear picture does not permanently clear the personal picture for an account
3208 Exception at 00000000: [Access violation at address 00000000. Read of address 00000000] TFormMain.TimerConnectionTimer
3207 Applications which are minimized to the taskbar cannot be selected from the Share Application active application list
3206 Annotations over live shares made before a participant joins do not scale properly
3205 When bdSES.dll cannot be loaded the audio device selector prompt will appear if audio enables automatically
3204 Data not aligned. Please make wrMpeg4Simd the very first unit in the uses clause of the project.
3203 MMX data not aligned. Please make wrMMX the very first unit in the uses clause of the project.
3199 Exception at 004063EA: [Access violation at address 004063EA in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 3750AF04] @
3197 Text Chat > New Text Chat does not work if a user in the chat user list is selected
3195 wrMSOfficeAddin.dll DllRegisterServer and DllUnregisterServer hang during setup
3194 Could not convert variant of type (Null) into type (OleStr)
3189 Exception at 0000FF00: [Access violation at address 0000FF00. Read of address 0000FF00] TFormMain.TimerConnectionTimer
3188 LoaderFF.xpi does not work with Firefox 4.0
3187 VCS prompts IE9 users to install ActiveX
3186 Only show system, security and connection rating balloons on mouseover when CC is the foreground window
3184 Capacity of audio recording device selection combo box needs to be increased
3183 Excluding audio devices via XDD does not remove them from the list of available audio input devices
3182 Exception at 0041CAC7: [Access violation at address 0041CAC7 in module 'CC.exe'. Write of address 00630064] TwrConference.InShareLivePointer
3181 Exception at 004063EC: [Access violation at address 004063EC in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address FED6EFFC] (invalid).Save
3179 373 echo canceller issues
3178 Changing zoom in a whiteboard causes annotations to disappear
3177 Recording and playback volume sliders are clipped
3176 XVF request URL should inherit from the build configuration
3174 Popup template created dialog
3173 Typo in missing DLL warning
3172 CC reports bdSES.dll missing erroneously
3171 Threading issue with voip engine
3170 Audio not disabling properly
3169 Decklink capture issues
3166 Exception at 0041CAC7: [Access violation at address 0041CAC7 in module 'CC.exe'. Write of address 00630064] TMessageTemplate.FromData
3164 Exception at 004E8969: [Invalid characters in path] TFormShare.ButtonSaveClick
3163 Exception at 00CAEBAE: [Access violation at address 00CAEBAE in module 'CC.exe'. Write of address 08C14000] TFormVideo.Paint
3162 Add invisible checkbox to group creation wizard
3159 Exception at 004092FE: [Access violation at address 004092FE in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 150E302D] TRTVViewHelper.Save
3157 Exception at 00CB68D4: [Access violation at address 00CB68D4 in module 'CC.exe'. Write of address 0BACA180] TConferenceShare.AddLivePacket
3156 Abstract Error
3155 Exception at 00CB6858: [Access violation at address 00CB6858 in module 'CC.exe'. Write of address 0961AE80] TConferenceShare.AddLivePacket
3154 Exception at 7C936DAB: [Access violation at address 7C936DAB in module 'ntdll.dll'. Read of address 00000006] TwrConference.LoadWatermark
3144 Exception at 54002500: [Access violation at address 54002500. Read of address 54002500] TFormShare.FormClose
3142 Exception at 00405026: [Invalid floating point operation (8087CW=$1372)] TwrVideoEncodingThread.EncodeFrame
3137 Exception at 00CAEA74: [Access violation at address 00CAEA74 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 0A297000] TwrMediaPlayback.TimerVideoExpired
3136 Exception at 00430035: [System Error. Code: 1400. Invalid window handle] TwrConference.ShareWebBrowser
3135 Exception: Access violation at address 714D91B6 in module 'quartz.dll'. Write of address 71791EFC
3122 Exception at 00D3D4DD: [Invalid pointer operation] TConferenceUser.Destroy
3120 Exception at 00D3D4DD: [Invalid pointer operation] TConferenceUser.SetVideo(Width=352, Height=288)
3119 Excel application shares
3117 Access violation at address 00D38679 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address E3FFFFFF
3116 Excel 2010 application share will end unexpectedly
3115 Html links on welcome page don't launch browser
3112 styles.css stylesheet needs modification to utility_nav positioning
3100 Changed to getlicense API
3087 Exception at 00CBC96B: [Bitmap encoder initialized without bitmap] TFormMain.wrConferenceRequestRemotePCButtonClick
3084 Empty popup menu of attachments
3082 Exception at 0058AA63: [Control 'DockPanelVideo' has no parent window] TFormVideo.Paint
3079 Exception at 060BEB38: [Access violation at address 060BEB38 in module 'H264Dec.dll'. Write of address 23C80000] TConferenceUser.AddVideoPacket
3078 Exception at 00E15D56: [Access violation at address 00E15D56 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000004] TFormVideoInputSelector.UpdateVideoInputs
3074 Access violation at address 77E78C39 in module 'ntdll.dll'. Write of address 00000014
3071 Access violation at address 004066B6 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 54170700
3070 Exception at 00405028: [Invalid floating point operation (8087CW=$1372)] TwrVideoEncodingThread.EncodeFrame
3068 Exception at 00E7E082: [Access violation at address 00E7E082 in module 'PC.exe'. Read of address 00000004] TFormConferenceCenter.TreeListConferencesMo
3067 Shortcuts created by CC should use the conference owner account's hostname
3066 Desktop shortcuts created by PC for custom hostnames
3065 Exception at 00D51E5C: [bdSES_InitAEC failed] TwrAudioVoIP.TVoIPThread.Create
3063 Push to talk notification balloon does not appear when audio is always on
3062 Deleteconference errorcode 5
3057 ProductID should modify some visual aspects of CC
3056 DOB in account record drifting with GMT offset
3052 Exception at 00F07D03: [Access violation at address 00F07D03 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000034] TFormMain.InviteByEmail
3049 Exception at 7855AB1A: [Access violation at address 7855AB1A in module 'MSVCR90.dll'. Read of address 08240000] TwrAudioVoIP.TVoIPThread.Create
3048 Exception at 005AD0B3: [Access violation at address 005AD0B3 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000010] for the forms get called too. }
3042 Access violation at address 6DB60693 in module 'gdiplus.dll'. Read of address 03FDF114
3041 Access violation at address 00DCCE33 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 000000C2
3040 Access violation at address 0F006103. Read of address 0F006103
3038 Exception: Access violation at address 007F16AA in module 'PC.exe'. Read of address 00000000.
3034 Exception at 00CDB1C2: [Access violation at address 00CDB1C2 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000000] TLiveShare.AnnotationToolbarAction
3030 Access violation at address 00456052 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000008
3029 Exception: Access violation at address 00C39E2A in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000000
3027 Access violation at address 0083D313 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000000
3026 Access violation at address 00000000. Read of address 00000000
3021 Exception at 00463110: [Access violation at address 00463110 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address FFFF0010] TwrLayoutManager.LoadLayoutFromResource
3020 Shared file added balloon will not always appear in the correct location
3019 Exception at 00A8FC94: [Index 0 out of bounds] TContactDeserializer.DeserializeOutlookContacts
3017 Exception at 00F06327: [Access violation at address 00F06327 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000034] TFormMain.InviteByEmail
3016 Access violation at address 4EC890C9 in module 'gdiplus.dll'. Read of address 02D10000
3012 Exception at 0044EC89: [List index out of bounds (3)] TFormPopupSend.Send.
3011 Exception at 00455F03: [List index out of bounds (2)] TwrMediaPlayback.CheckEndOfMedia
2923 Exception at 07FBC0FC: [External exception C000001E] TConferenceUser.AddVideoPacket
2917 Edit and send needs to allow the selection of registration invitation templates for conferences with registration enabled
2877 Notify presenter when they are annotating over a live share
2839 System ratings should be reconsidered
2383 VCS selection for deployments does not work as expected



Build 372 - January 7, 2011

New Features:

Content caching feature added to web server to reduce I/O strain

Issues Resolved:

3018 URL command line parameter does not work when is the target host
3013 Congestion icon does not appear for users with slow connections
3006 Exception at 00405026: [Invalid floating point operation (8087CW=$1372)] TwrVideoEncodingThread.EncodeFrame
3005 Download attachment button not aligned with text box
3002 Default value for invite reminder minutes is incorrect
3001 Access violation at address 00C06FBA in module 'PC.exe'. Read of address 00000000
2999 Sharing a document or powerpoint prevents keeping other applications on top of CC
2998 Exception at 007B93ED: [Invalid XML name] TAPSSession.DeserializeCommands.
2997 Invites text box does not contain instructions the first time it is displayed
2995 Include password reset link in the personal page *Login* merge field
2994 Exception at 00DB77FF: [Invalid floating point operation (8087CW=$1272)] TPaint.Execute
2992 Video panel may not show for participants when video plays automatically
2990 Selecting an outlook distribution list from the outlook contact selection dialog will use the wrong address
2988 Exception at 00587273: [Control 'DockPanelVideo' has no parent window] TFormVideo.Paint
2981 Exception at 007F546A: [A system shutdown is in progress] wrQueryWMI
2979 System Error. Code: 1400.Invalid window handle
2976 Unsupported clipboard format
2975 Access violation at address 00803B2B in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 000000B7
2965 Parent accounts should not be able to disable themselves
2963 Personal meeting room default settings need to be changed
2951 Accounts which own message templates cannot be deleted
2937 Clicking conference list column headers will remove the bold face from the personal meeting room row
2915 Converting a named user license to a concurrent license
2907 Insert into calendar should contain a fully qualified owner URL in the description header
2905 Registration required in a conference template can only be enabled after the template is saved
2861 Control focus privilege should affect other privilege options
2481 Invalid floating point operation.
2437 Routing test transmission rate causes some firewalls to drop ICMP packets
2151 Checking Enable video while in a conference does not initialize video
1156 VCS should detect Macintosh and display a special web page



Build 368 - December 17, 2010

Major Issues Resolved:

Corrected low-level memory manager flaws.

Issues Resolved:

2985 File transfer does not work properly on larger files
2980 Conference redirect no longer works
2973 Exception: Access violation at address 00B42721 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000000
2972 Exception: Access violation at address 00C35E22 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000000
2970 Orphaned connection cleanup does not seem to be working
2968 Document share errors
2966 Invite by email button on start tab is slightly misaligned
2962 Exception message from InviteByEmail should be displayed to the user in a popup
2961 Theme not applied correctly
2957 Stack overflow
2955 Exception at 00404A4F: [Invalid floating point operation (8087CW=$1272)] TwrDSOut.Execute
2953 Exception at 00405E50: [Access violation at address 00405E50 in module 'VCS.exe'. Read of address FFFFFFD0] TCallProviderWorker.Execute
2950 Exception at 0045665D: [List index out of bounds (1)] TContactDeserializer.Deserialize
2938 Switching from webinar layout to style 1 can cause userlist to clip videos
2932 Exception: Access violation at address 77CB8CA9 in module 'ntdll.dll'. Write of address 00000014
2878 Annotation selection marquee will stay on screen when used in the bottom half of the share



Build 364 - December 10, 2010

Major Issues Resolved:

Fixed issue where audio or video sockets would fail to connect.

Miscellaneous exceptions when using MAPI InviteByEmail are now handled and displayed to the user.

Phone audio settings not displaying correctly inside of a conference.

Issues Resolved:

2947 Exception at 007A4106: [Kan geen e-mailbericht maken, omdat het gegevensbestand voor het verzenden en ontvangen van berichten niet kan worden gevonden
2946 Exception at 007A4106: [Microsoft Exchange is niet beschikbaar. Er is een probleem met het netwerk of er worden onderhoudswerkzaamheden uitgevoerd op
2945 Exception at 007A4106: [The remote procedure call failed] TFormMain.InviteByEmail
2944 Exception at 007A4106: [The server is not available. Contact your administrator if this condition persists] TFormMain.InviteByEmail
2942 Exception at 007A4106: [The operation failed] TFormMain.InviteByEmail
2941 Exception at 007A3339: [Call was rejected by callee] TFormMain.InviteByEmail
2940 Exception at 007A4106: [Uw profiel is niet geconfigureerd] TFormMain.InviteByEmail
2939 Client will attempt to connect to web server for conferences which don't exist
2936 Switching share tabs while in annotation mode can cause annotations to disappear
2935 Exception at 0041887A: ['''' is not a valid integer value] TFormConferenceEditMain.UIDataToConferenceDetail.
2933 Access violation at address 00040040. Read of address 00040040
2931 Exception at 007A4106: [A dialog box is open. Close it and try again] TFormMain.InviteByEmail
2930 Exception at 007A3339: [The RPC server is unavailable] TFormMain.InviteByEmail
2928 Popup duration setting being stored incorrectly in XML
2926 Access violation at address 004510CF in module 'VCS.exe'. Read of address 66812C30.
2924 Conference invitation reminders should not be sent to users who declined to attend when registering for a conference
2920 Participants able to mute/unmute audio from the action menu
2919 Phone audio will show the user the call provider interface
2918 sendinvites will send an incorrectly formatted registration invitation
2916 Exception at 004070F8: [Out of memory] THTTPResponseHelper.Response
2914 Exception at 00A4B8D4: [Unrecognized stream format!] TFormMain.Initialize
2911 Exception at 007A4106: [Funzione non corretta] TFormMain.InviteByEmail
2909 Exception at 00D5E13C: [Access violation at address 00D5E13C in module 'CC.exe'. Write of address 000000C1] TwrConference.Disconnect
2902 Invite by contacts changes
2817 Plain text pasted into invitation editor is not visible until you save the changes and then reload the template



Build 362 - December 4, 2010

New Features:

Separate Audio, Data and Video transport streams to reduce jitter.

Optional H.264 video codec.

Added conference and message template creation and management to the web interface.

Added conference and email propagation throughout Nefsis.

Added font transport for document sharing.

Added separate installer for office plugin which allows contact enumeration from the Conferencing Client.

Major Issues Resolved:

Fixed Nefsis printer unavailable to standard user accounts.

Fixed VoIP break-up and skipping issues due to congestion.

Fixed text appearing garbled in most shared PDF documents.

Fixed Outlook contact enumeration for large address lists.

Issues Resolved:

2904 Registration required checkbox cannot be modified once a conference template is saved
2903 Simple conference schedule form needs to change invitation email type based on the default template
2901 Registration fields for conferences with registration enabled
2900 Checked state from disabled conference call settings still set in conference definition
2899 Specifying an existing conference DN in a quick conference form
2898 Conference call audio settings need to be enabled/disabled based on call plan booleans
2897 Conference call audio settings need to be enabled/disabled based on call plan booleans
2896 Copying a default template will also set the copy as a default template
2895 Conference template copy link does not work unless the selected template is the default template
2894 Setting default message type to “Text Chat” – makes “Send Popup” on right-click context menu disappear.
2893 Changing personal picture – clicking Back will show previous image
2892 Specifying a duplicate conference ID will not allow conference creation but will still prompt to add to calendar
2891 Scrolling a shared document will cause watermark artifacts
2890 Parent accounts can set a child's conference as their meeting room
2888 Conference templates not applying all settings
2887 Call provider failure message should be removed or changed
2885 errorCode 6 when calling GetMergedMessageTemplate
2884 User default message templates are used even when an explicit message ID is selected
2883 Error code 3 when scheduling a conference through PC
2881 Converted message templates cannot be used if they include a format() call
2879 Invite by contacts form will add enumerated contacts to the Send to list box automatically
2876 Users who join a conference with individual floating videos will not see the videos at the correct resolution
2874 GetMergedMessageTemplate returns account default message template if messagetemplateid is not specified
2872 Exception at 00CA868B: [Access violation at address 00CA868B in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00390037] TConferenceShares.GetMetaPageThumbWidth
2871 Advanced conference scheduling and editing brings up an error page
2870 Schedule conference password tooltip incorrect
2869 Notify options tab should be hidden when the play sound notifications feature is disabled
2868 User leaves sound will play when the sound notification feature is disabled if a host ends the conference
2867 Chat button does not enable for participants with the Chat privilege
2866 Some conference template settings applied incorrectly
2865 Templates set incorrect Seats value
2864 Default conference settings
2863 Switching from the Welcome tab to another share tab does not always apply to other users
2862 Control focus privilege should affect other privilege options
2860 Exception at 00C7F36D: [Access violation at address 00C7F36D in module 'VCS.exe'. Read of address 00000138] .OutData
2859 Scheduled Conferences created with incorrect initial settings
2858 Quick Conferences created with incorrect settings
2857 Quick Conference page does not display the conference DN 
2855 Message preview form needs horizontal and vertical scroll bars
2854 Hide Preview button when creating Message templates
2853 PC edit and send form shows raw HTML content of HTML invitations
2851 Video and Audio settings menus will not appear correctly in muti-monitor desktop configurations
2850 Scheduling a conference from a template sets the timezone to GMT -12
2849 InviteReminder is ambiguous
2847 PC not setting autoenable or autoenableminutes in conference templates
2846 Registration required checkbox state should enable or disable depending on radio button state
2845 CC does not display HTML message content properly
2844 Duplicate items in conference list after inviting a contact to a VoIP meeting
2843 Personal meeting room for new basic trial accounts has features set incorrectly
2842 Conference definition values should be set to NULL rather than left blank
2841 Exception at 70FF0841: [Integer overflow] TConferences.DeleteUser
2840 Exception at 00407844: [Access violation at address 00407844 in module 'VCS.exe'. Read of address 5E719C11] TConferences.DeleteUser.
2837 Conference template scheduling options should inclue the Auto unlock option and combo box
2835 Send invitations form should show status as Sent rather than Send
2834 PC is not applying all default template settings properly
2833 My conference templates only displays default template
2832 Cannot specify personal meeting room in the portal
2831 Conference summary issues with the Black theme
2830 Some settings not retained when toggling between Simple and Advanced scheduling
2829 Invite by email button does not work
2828 Build 353 of PC is not creating ELF exception log files
2827 Invitations are sent when saving a template
2826 Send to contacts from CC will incorrectly report failure for Nefsis contacts
2825 &Audio parameter in command line can cause User list to disappear when CC is minimized and restored
2824 Incorrect message templates being used in conferences
2823 getmergedmessagetemplate returns raw template
2819 Insert merge item button issues in invitation editor
2816 Call plan restrictions are not available when creating or editing a conference
2815 Timezondes dropdown list order
2813 Empty conference definition fields should be saved as NULL in DB
2812 Merge expression syntax and empty string comparisons
2811 Add MSI package that installs and registers the MS Office addin
2810 URL merge variable should use the account's hostname if one is provided
2809 Exception at 004525AA: [List index out of bounds (3)] TResample.DrawMeta
2807 High cpu utilization with no features enabled
2804 Conference definition MaxVideoBitrate should be saved as a kilobit value and not an enumerated value
2803 Update all conference MaxVideoBitrate values to 0 & change VideoType values -1
2802 Video maximum bitrate saves incorrect value
2801 Exception at 00ECCB99: [Division by zero] TFormInviteStatus.SendInvitations
2800 Invite by contacts form is resized when opened by the Edit and send form
2799 Manually typing an email address into the Edit and send form will fail to send the invite
2798 Message and invitation previews do not work for some templates
2797 Issues with Edit and Send form and message templates
2795 Simplify conference template scheduling options
2794 Conference template should default to VoIP audio
2793 Conference template message settings are not displayed correctly 
2791 Simple/Advanced button should be removed from conference template interface
2790 Registration radio buttons disabled when editing a conference template
2789 Control 'DockPanelShare' has no parent window
2787 Portal should allow selection of default conference template
2786 Cannot uncheck Default template
2785 Simple/Advanced button should be removed from edit template form
2784 Issues with conference template configuration in PC
2783 Conference templates do not allow configuration of some conference options
2782 Exception at 00AC3212: [Not enough storage is available to complete this operation] wrQueryWMI
2780 uk-v3 not reporting bytes in and out
2779 Parent accounts can no longer run usage reports on themselves or their children
2778 Schedule conference (Advanced) default values incorrect
2777 Schedule conference (Advanced) default values incorrect
2776 Schedule conference (Simple) default values incorrect
2775 Quick conference default values incorrect
2774 Exception at 0080A976: [Access violation at address 0080A976 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00021081] TFormUsers.Destroy
2773 Change conference summary text
2772 Change conference summary text
2770 Change the conference owner join link in the portal
2769 Basic scheduled conference will insert a fully qualified link inside of the calendar appointment
2768 Conference template name dialog behaves strangely when the enter key is pressed
2766 PC schedule and edit conference reverses the Locked setting in the conference definition
2765 Conference summary shows placeholder text when no conference is selected in the list
2764 Invite contacts does not highlight selected items
2763 Schedule and quick conference menu items disable in the app menu
2762 PTT hotkey assignment does not save Numpad keys correctly
2761 PTT button does not display under some circumstances
2760 Exception at 00407844: [Access violation at address 00407844 in module 'VCS.exe'. Read of address FEFFFFF7] .Close
2759 Editing a scheduled conference
2758 Invite by contacts dialog appears differently on Windows XP
2757 Seat reservation combo box should be disabled or hidden for named user accounts
2756 License Reservation should not be available for named user accounts
2755 Seat reservation combo box should be disabled or hidden for named user accounts
2754 Video codec hint incorrect
2753 Label incorrect
2752 Changing the state sounds for when contacts come online, text-chats, popups and conference/file invites appear to default to nudge.wav
2751 Join/Deny message previews don't work 
2750 Reservation combo box does not allow reservation of more than 255 seats
2749 Chat window does not automatically scroll to the bottom when a new line of text is added
2748 All Video QUality buttons need tooltips updated
2747 Bandwidth monitor Total Usage graph does not display any data
2746 Exception at 007A31AD: [Invalid class string] TFormMain.InviteByEmail
2745 Exception at 00457F28: [Resource WRTREEVIEW not found] TFormInviteContacts.TreeListCustomDrawCell
2744 Conferences grid allows multiple row selection but only one conference will be exported to iCal
2742 Selecting a conference (set to Never End) and clicking “Export to iCal” will result in a Server Error?
2739 Invalid pointer operation
2735 Failed to share document warning with multiple instances of CC
2734  nomalies with the Schedule tab controls for conferences that have already started
2733 Exception at 00000000: [Access violation at address 00000000. Read of address 00000000] TConference.ToData
2732 Schedule conference interface does not show registration email template controls when registration is enabled
2731 Invitation previews do not seem to work
2730 A with circumflex appears near copyright on VCS join pages
2729 Email invitation options should always be visible 
2728 Audio tab is not disabled when the Audio feature is unchecked
2727 Default schedule setting is incorrect
2726 Add Locked/Unlocked to CC status bar or title bar to reflect state
2724 Message templates applied to a conference definition are not saved
2723 Registration required checkbox state should enable or disable depending on radio button state
2722 Conference reminder message options should disable if checkbox is unchecked
2721 Message templates only retrieved on login
2720 Exception at 00405E50: [Access violation at address 00405E50 in module 'VCS.exe'. Read of address FFFFFFD0] TCallProvider.Execute.
2719 Exception at 0042F871: [A call to an OS function failed] TFormMain.ShowVideoStarting
2718 Users in the waiting room cannot take host or presenter
2716 Ribbon not collapsing with follow my layout enabled
2713 Cn in userlist resets to windows login name
2712 When conference duration is set to 0 the recurs and reserve combo boxes should be disabled
2711 Audio and Video feature checkboxes don't disable bits
2710 Exception at 7713FC77: [Access violation at address 7713FC77 in module 'ntdll.dll'. Write of address 00000014] TFormMain.Destroy
2709 Exception at 76EFFC47: [Access violation at address 76EFFC47 in module 'ntdll.dll'. Write of address 00000014] TConferenceMediaShares.Delete
2707 join_clickonce.html missing %loader% merge variable in subfooter
2706 Conference privileges missing prSave and prPrint checkboxes
2705 Default video resolution for scheduled conferences need more resolution options
2704 3rd party contact import doesn't seem to be working
2703 Video playback fails sporadically
2702 SendInvites not called when a conference is scheduled
2701 Schedule conference Reminder combo box contains no items
2700 PC displays the Sending Invitations dialog even if no email addresses are specified
2699 PC will not prompt to insert a calendar event for a scheduled conference unless the advanced options are used
2696 Annotate feature checkbox missing
2695 Mouse wheel scrolling of shared documents is not smooth 
2692 Exception at 00405E50: [Access violation at address 00405E50 in module 'VCS.exe'. Read of address FFFFFFD0] TCallProvider.Execute
2686 Exception at 0042F871: [System Error.  Code: 1400. Invalid window handle] TFormAudioSettings.ReloadAudioSettings
2683 Access violation at address 00F224D0 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000000
2682 Schedule and Quick conference disabled in app menu some time after logging in
2678 Exception at 00404D9A: [Invalid floating point operation] TwrVideoEncodingThread.EncodeFrame
2674 Access violation at address 7C91B21A in module 'ntdll.dll'. Write of address 00000010
2673 Exception at 005861BF: [Control 'DockPanelShare' has no parent window] TFormShare.UpdateAnnotator
2671 Access violation at address 100D19C0. Read of address 100D19C0
2668 Exception at 00404A37: [Invalid floating point operation] TwrAudioProcessingThread.Execute
2666 Licenses remaining text for named user is wrong
2665 Licenses remaining text for named user is wrong
2664 Shared application comes to foreground when it isn't supposed to
2663 Share document ends up in wrong conference room
2662 Participant password set automatically when scheduling a conference
2661 Version info is cutoff in the system information popup menu
2659 Exception at 00ED1E68: [Access violation at address 00ED1E68 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 000000A0] TVideos.DrawTabs
2658 Exception at 00407844: [Access violation at address 00407844 in module 'VCS.exe'. Read of address 5BE43676] TConferences.DeleteUser
2656 Exception at 00AD99DF: [TcxTabs.Delete: Tab's index (-1) out of bounds] TFormMain.Destroy
2655 New Meeting menu options launch CC in such a way that it is docked to PC
2652 Exception at 00404D9C: [Invalid floating point operation] TwrVideoEncodingThread.EncodeFrame
2651 Clicking and dragging annotation text box will result it CC repositioning it after releasing the mouse button
2650 Access violation at address 00000000. Read of address 00000000
2649 Default FPS should be changed from 10 to 15
2648 Default FPS should be changed from 10 to 15
2647 Allow higher default video resolutions to be set in conference definition
2646 Allow higher default video resolutions to be set in conference definition
2644 Increase quality of High Quality video preset in CC
2643 Annotation over live shares only works for desktop shares, it does not work for application shares
2642 Access violation at address 7C91B21A in module 'ntdll.dll'. Write of address 00000010.
2639 Outlook contact enumeration should use the primary SMTP address if possible
2638 Exception at 0045E5F0: [Thread Error: Controlador no válido (6)] TwrConference.Destroy
2637 Exception at 00404A37: [Invalid floating point operation] TwrDSOut.Execute
2635 Audio settings should have an option to disable audio
2634 Audio settings should have an option to disable audio
2633 VCS ceased calling setstatus, but was still posting other information back to the DBS
2631 Access violation at address 77C8FC77 in module 'ntdll.dll'. Write of address 00000014
2630 Exception at 00E3179F: [Access violation at address 00E3179F in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 26C25D45] TContactDeserializer.DeserializeOutlookCont
2629 Invalid floating point operation
2628 Exception at 00404A37: [Invalid floating point operation] TLiveShare.HandleCapture
2624 No international conference call numbers are available in web interface
2595 Taskbar notification icon will disappear but PC.exe will continue to run in the task manager
2490 initial set_status timing out can result in encryption not enabling on secure ports
2474 Exception at 7C84CDE2: [Access violation at address 7C84CDE2 in module 'ntdll.dll'. Write of address 00000014] TSessions.Add.
2462 Access violation at address 0058888F in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000258
2346 wrMSOffice toolbar not available when PC is installed via MSI through Group Policy
2343 Standard users in a Windows Domain are unable to print to the Nefsis Printer even if its been installed
2232 Exception: [Invalid video dimensions (dimensions must be even and greater than 0)] TConferenceUser.SetVideo
2086 Exception: [Invalid XML data] TCCPipeDeserializer.Deserialize
2038 Exception: [Access violation at address 00CA2EC1 in module 'CC.exe'. Write of address 081335D8] TConferenceShare.AddLivePacket
2031 Exception: [Access violation at address 00C9FB9F in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address CC07510B] TConferenceShare.AddLivePacket
1056 Outlook contact enumeration doesn't work with lots of contacts



Build 341 - September 30, 2010

New Features:

Cancel button and progress indicator added to Outlook contact enumeration.

Major Issues Resolved:

Split conference issue that could occur when two users joined a conference simultaneously.

Annotations appearing on top of videos in Video Only layout.

Error when closing Windows Media Player after viewing a Nefsis AVI recording.

Changing audio device selection while recording would truncate the output file.

Issues Resolved:

2618 Exception at 00000024: [Access violation at address 00000024. Read of address 00000024] TConference.Destroy
2613 Advanced button on Edit conference dialog closes dialog
2612 My Conferences Edit and Details buttons disabled
2611 Minor issues with PC schedule conference form
2609 Exception at 0040784A: [Access violation at address 0040784A in module 'VCS.exe'. Write of address 0072005D] TConferences.DeleteUser
2608 Exception at 7C91B21A: [Access violation at address 7C91B21A in module 'ntdll.dll'. Write of address 00000010] TwrConference.SetVideoDevice
2607 Exception at 00C6DD4B: [Access violation at address 00C6DD4B in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000248] TConferenceShare.AddLivePacket
2606 Access violation at address 00000000. Read of address 00000000
2605 Exception at 00C71095: [Access violation at address 00C71095 in module 'CC.exe'. Write of address 08E420F4] TConferenceShare.AddLivePacket
2603 About dialog should reflect Product Name
2601 wrVfWCodec.dll crashing Windows Media Player
2593 Exception at 0C0C0E08: [External exception C000001D] TConferenceShare.AddLivePacket
2592 Exception at 00C3AA87: [Access violation at address 00C3AA87 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000000] TwrConference.OnTimerVideoDeviceChange
2588 Exception at 00002100: [Access violation at address 00002100. Read of address 00002100] TVideos.DrawTabs
2587 Exception at 7C90100B: [Access violation at address 7C90100B in module 'ntdll.dll'. Read of address 00000030] (nil).UpdateCaption
2586 Access violation at address 00B9213A in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 000000B8
2585 Exception at 004E3753: [Out of memory] THTTPResponseHelper.Response
2584 Extend device helper to allow configuration of echo and noise cancellation by audio device name
2583 Conference split possible when users join an unvirtualized conference simultaneously
2582 Access violation at address 6A9F52D3. Read of address 6A9F52D3
2581 Access violation at address 6E502306 in module 'gdiplus.dll'. Read of address 06AB2000
2580 Access violation at address 00B917C6 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000000
2579 Abstract Error
2575 Access violation at address 773B3387 in module 'ntdll.dll'. Write of address 00000014
2574 Exception at 00C8788C: [Cannot read beyond end of stream] TConferenceShare.AddAnnotationData
2573 automatically disable echo and noise cancellation for Duet mic
2570 Exception at 00DBFB87: [Access violation at address 00DBFB87 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000004] TFormVideoInputSelector.UpdateVideoInputs
2569 Exception at 00451ED9: [Access violation at address 00451ED9 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address CEF3A296] TLiveShare.CheckFocusWindow
2568 Exception at 00405291: [Invalid floating point operation] TConferenceShare.Create
2566 Exception at 003B0069: [Access violation at address 003B0069. Read of address FFFFFFFF] TTrace.GetRoute
2565 Exception at 0040358D: [Access violation at address 0040358D in module 'VCS.exe'. Write of address 00000000] TSession.InHandshakeSettings
2561 Access violation at address 18804E7C. Read of address 18804E7C
2560 Exception at 00DB3BB3: [Invalid floating point operation] TFormMain.wrConferenceUserLevel
2559 Exception at 7C9101B3: [Access violation at address 7C9101B3 in module 'ntdll.dll'. Write of address 0045002C] TwrConference.ShareWebBrowser
2558 Exception at 00CA94D3: [Access violation at address 00CA94D3 in module 'VCS.exe'. Read of address 465D1898] TConferences.DeleteShare
2557 Exception at 004070F8: [Out of memory] THTTPResponseHelper.Response
2556 Access violation at address 0082B262 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 5D6A2D07
2548 Access violation at address 73BD90B5 in module 'gdiplus.dll'. Read of address 000E200F
2536 Exception at 00404B6A: [Invalid floating point operation] TwrVideoEncodingThread.EncodeFrame
2535 Exception at 00C6F678: [Access violation at address 00C6F678 in module 'CC.exe'. Write of address 00321300] TConferenceShare.AddLivePacket
2534 Exception at 00D75C45: [Invalid floating point operation] TPaint.Execute
2532 Stack overflow
2531 Exception at 00CD908A: [Access violation at address 00CD908A in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 7FA9D040] TwrMediaVideoDecoder.Decode, Width=720, Hei
2530 Exception at 004E20E7: [Out of memory] THTTPResponseHelper.Response
2529 Host toggling full screen layout can cause CC to appear behind other applications for participants
2528 Exception at 004046F7: [Access violation at address 004046F7 in module 'VCS.exe'. Read of address 021773A3] THTTPRequest.Execute
2527 Exception at 00407532: [Access violation at address 00407532 in module 'VCS.exe'. Write of address 0072006A] TConferences.DeleteUser
2526 Exception at 00404807: [Invalid floating point operation] TwrDSOut.Execute.
2525 Access violation at address 03000809. Write of address 00000004
2524 Access violation at address 00A8492F in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 458D03CA
2523 Exception at 00408A0B: [Out of memory] wrHTTPHeaderValue
2521 Exception at 00000000: [Access violation at address 00000000. Read of address 00000000] TFormMain.Destroy
2520 Exception at 00C3C91D: [Access violation at address 00C3C91D in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000000] TwrConference.SetVideoDevice
2519 Access violation at address 778FDBBA in module 'ntdll.dll'. Write of address 00000014
2518 Exception at 0040733D: [Invalid pointer operation] VideoDeviceConfiguration
2517 Exception at 00CDE22C: [Access violation at address 00CDE22C in module 'CC.exe'. Write of address 001300C0] TwrMediaVideoDecoder.Decode, Width=320, He
2516 Exception at 00406DF4: [Out of memory] THTTPResponseHelper.Response.
2515 Invalid floating point operation
2514 Exception at 00405277: [Invalid floating point operation] TwrVideoEncodingThread.EncodeFrame
2513 Exception at 00C3AA87: [Access violation at address 00C3AA87 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000000] TwrConference.SetVideoDevice
2512 Access violation at address 008354FB in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000000
2511 Exception at 0059BEAD: [Access violation at address 0059BEAD in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 0000006A] TFormUsers.UpdateControls
2510 Exception at 00404807: [Invalid floating point operation] TLiveShare.HandleCapture
2509 Control 'MainRibbon' has no parent window
2508 Exception at 0058451B: [Control 'DockPanelShare' has no parent window] TFormShare.TimerAnnotatorTimer
2507 Annotations appear in video only layout
2506 Access violation at address 00000000. Read of address 00000000
2505 Excluded devices initialized under some circumstances
2504 Change handling of video device failures
2503 Reinitializing audio will truncate recordings
2502 Exception at 00408994: [Access violation at address 00408994 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address FFFFFFF8] VideoDeviceConfiguration
2501 Exception at 00000000: [Interface not supported] TwrConference.SetVideoDevice
2499 Cannot open clipboard: Access is denied
2498 Access violation at address 0082B262 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 2B028DA0
2497 Exception at 7C92B21A: [Access violation at address 7C92B21A in module 'ntdll.dll'. Write of address 00000010] TFormMain.wrConferenceConferenceOpened
2496 Access violation at address 7C918FEA in module 'ntdll.dll'. Write of address 00000010
2495 Exception at 00405277: [Invalid floating point operation] TConferenceUser.AddVideoPacket
2494 Exception at 0045104A: [Class  not found] TFormMain.wrConferenceConferenceLayoutData
2493 Exception at 00000000: [Access violation at address 00000000. Read of address 00000000] TwrLayoutManager.LoadLayoutFromResource
2492 Exception at 00C41223: [Access violation at address 00C41223 in module 'VCS.exe'. Read of address 1C450848] TConferences.DeleteShare
2490 initial set_status timing out can result in encryption not enabling on secure ports
2489 Exception at 00460020: [Privileged instruction] TFormMain.DoShutdown.
2488 Remove restartreplace from wrmsoffice.dll registration in pcsetup
2487 Exception at 0042F2D9:_[System Error.  Code:_1400. Invalid window handle] TwrConference.ShareWebBrowser.
2486 Exception at 00406DF4: [Out of memory] TDBSSession.Send
2485 Add CC revision or build number to user list System Info
2484 Exception at 0042F2D9: [A call to an OS function failed] TwrLayoutManager.LoadLayoutFromResource
2482 Access violation at address 01A320A2. Read of address 20FE7000
2479 Access violation at address 0082B3E3 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 01C30281
2478 Access violation at address 00403389 in module 'CC.exe'. Write of address 00060000
2477 Exception at 0040331F: [Access violation at address 0040331F in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 17000100] TwrConference.CloseAudio
2470 Access violation at address 7C920A19 in module 'ntdll.dll'. Read of address F086040A
2464 Exception at 004047E5: [Access violation at address 004047E5 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 1B1502C0] TLiveShare.HandleCapture
2463 Access violation at address 77698E7C in module 'ntdll.dll'. Write of address 00000014.
2043 Add cancel button and progress indicator to Outlook contact enumeration



Build 331 - August 19, 2010

New Features:

USB cameras can now be connected and disconnected without leaving the conference

Major Issues Resolved:

Video capture engine refactored to improve performance and compatibility

Issues Resolved:

2375 Exception at 00406E08: [Out of memory] THTTPResponseHelper.Response.
2376 Exception at 00407FA0: [Access violation at address 00407FA0 in module 'VCS.exe'. Read of address A3B8E0AA]
2400 Exception at 00407FA0: [Access violation at address 00407FA0 in module 'VCS.exe'. Read of address 6563632F]
2402 Exception at 00C7A89D: [Access violation at address 00C7A89D in module 'VCS.exe'. Read of address 00000128] .OutData
2415 Exception at 00403230: [Access violation at address 00403230 in module 'VCS.exe'. Read of address FFFFFFF0] TConferences.AddUser
2416 Exception at 00460020: [Privileged instruction] TFormMain.DoShutdown
2419 Exception at 01402A40: [Access violation at address 01402A40. Write of address 01402A40] THTTPRequest.Execute
2421 Exception at 00407546: [Access violation at address 00407546 in module 'VCS.exe'. Write of address 0072006A] TConferences.DeleteUser
2452 Exception at 00407540: [Access violation at address 00407540 in module 'VCS.exe'. Read of address AF83D4A7] TConferences.DeleteUser
2453 Exception at 00407546: [Access violation at address 00407546 in module 'VCS.exe'. Write of address 0038002E] TDBSSession.Add IP
2381 Conference schedule Region setting not updated properly on deployments
2380 Exception at 00CCE0AC: [Access violation at address 00CCE0AC in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 0D0D19D4] TConferenceShare.AddLivePacket
2386 Exception at 00584703: [Control 'DockPanelShare' has no parent window] TFormShare.DoInvalidate
2388 Exception at 00DE13E4: [Access violation at address 00DE13E4 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 99365C7D] (invalid).StopSharing
2389 Exception at 00EDAB58: [Access violation at address 00EDAB58 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 000000A0] TVideos.DrawTabs
2391 Exception at 00D2EA93: [Access violation at address 00D2EA93 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 7EAD003F] TConferenceMediaShares.Delete
2392 Exception at 004089B0: [Access violation at address 004089B0 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address FFFFFFF8] VideoDeviceConfiguration
2401 Exception at 00CC7052: [Access violation at address 00CC7052 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 0318BFE8] TwrMediaPlayback.TimerVideoExpired
2405 Cannot assign a nil to a TFont
2406 Share document/powerpoint OpenFileDialog allows invalid file/path names
2408 Exception at 00D897D3: [Access violation at address 00D897D3 in module 'CC.exe'. Write of address 00000000] TwrAudioProcessingThread.Execute
2409 Exception at 06EFF163: [Access violation at address 06EFF163 in module 'BdAec.dll'. Read of address 00000000] TwrDSOut.Execute
2420 Exception at 00584703: [Control 'DockPanelShare' has no parent window] TFormShare.SetPointerPosition
2423 Exception at 00DE13E4: [Access violation at address 00DE13E4 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address FFC70A51] .StopSharing
2433 System Error.  Code: 1400.
2436 Exception at 00000000: [Access violation at address 00000000. Read of address 00000000] TwrAudioProcessingThread.Execute
2439 Exception at 00584703: [Control 'DockPanelShare' has no parent window] TFormShare.TimerPositionTimer
2443 Scroll wheel does not work inside shares
2445 Exception at 00DE13E4: [Access violation at address 00DE13E4 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address E899BA3D] .StopSharing
2446 Access violation at address 00A0F3B1 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 000000F0
2450 Access violation at address 00B919F6 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000000
2454 Check usage of file and folder creation methods 
2455 Access violation at address 007A07F5 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000034
2459 The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process
2461 Forcing an unsupported mode on a capture device causes main CC app to hang
2466 Disconnecting or connecting a video device should close or force a refresh of the video device selector
2467 Disconnecting a camera while in use can cause video selector issues
2469 Newly connected video capture sources will not enumerate if no capture devices are present
2468 Open File Dialogs allows selection of non-existant files
2472 Received popup messages cannot be saved
2473 Action menu's 'Set as Active Picture' option is disabled unless you are a host


Build 325 - June 22, 2010

New Features:

Added integrated demo of multipoint video and HD

Major Issues Resolved:

Fixed confusion and issues with IE loader pages on Windows XP

Issues Resolved:

2085 Exception: [Access violation at address 004110B7 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 7F385A70] TwrMediaPlayback.TimerVideoExpired
2139 Exception: [Invalid pointer operation] TFormUsers.Destroy
2140 Access violation at address 74B872F4 in module 'MSVCR80.dll'. Write of address 0AD6C280
2141 Exception: [Thread Error: The handle is invalid (6)] TFormConnecting.TimerBlinkTimer
2143 Exception: [Access violation at address 00BFE5CC in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000010] TwrVideoDeviceConfiguration.LoadFromFile
2155 Whiteboard does not save
2179 Access violation at address 5D484770. Read of address 5D484770
2186 Exception: [Access violation at address 06A1CEB0. Read of address 06A1CEB0] TPaint.Execute
2193 Access violation at address 009F60A7 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000048
2194 Access violation at address 0A41001E. Write of address 00005C18
2195 Access violation at address 00C9D367 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address B897CC78
2198 PC manual proxy settings do not connect successfully
2200 Change button text
2201 Required XML settings not enforced if no PC_accounts.xml data is present
2202 Settings.exe has an extra 'New button' button in the toolbar
2204 Change combo boxes in Settings.exe to non-editable lists
2206 Clicking "popup message icon" shows feature restricted "History" tab
2207 Presence of edit verb should be handled by wrFindExecutable
2208 Disable items in App menu when not connected to a conference
2210 Exception: [Access violation at address 0040B94C in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000008] TwrDSOut.Open
2212 Exception: [Cannot create file "C:\Documents and Settings\Nonie\Local Settings\Application Data\WiredRed\CC_settings.xml". Access is denied] TXMLSetti
2213 Invalid pointer operation
2215 Exception: [Access violation at address 00406200 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 5ED31250] TFormFiles.Destroy
2216 Exception: [Access violation at address 0040863A in module 'CC.exe'. Write of address 0054005C] TProxySettings.InitFromIE
2217 CC uninstaller opens explorer window
2220 Remove trial expired message if trial has been expired for more than 7 days
2225 Always on VoIP setting does not work
2226 Collapsed groups in PC expand when you change status
2236 setconference not setting 18th bit value in mask
2240 Exception: [OLE error 8004406D] TConferenceRecorder.Close.
2241 Access violation at address 4EC890C9 in module 'gdiplus.dll'. Read of address 09D26000
2242 Exception: [''
2245 Exception:_[Could not decompress the image because it contains invalid compressed data. Description:_data error (-3)] TFormMain.wrConferenceConference
2246 Improve performance of loader progress bar
2249 Access violation at address 10078FA0. Read of address 10078FA0
2251 Change that shares PDFs as an application share can cause issues.
2255 Always notify setting will prompt the user to update whenever getcommands shows a newer CurrentVersion
2256 PC not handling qvc error codes 6 and 7 properly
2259 Multiple instances of CC launched via browser corrupt UI state
2260 Clear Flash local storage object after reading
2265 Cannot change Visible in OnShow or OnHide
2266 Exception at 00798339: [Call was rejected by callee] TwrPP.Open
2267 Access violation at address 0040BFF3 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000000
2268 Exclude Video device names matching \\?\pci
2272  Exception at 00701C99: [List index out of bounds (-1)] TResample.DrawMeta
2278 Exception at 00C21549: [Invalid XML document: end element without start element] TwrVideoDeviceConfiguration.LoadFromFile
2282 Exception at 00456CDD: [Cannot create file "C:\Users\1\AppData\Local\WiredRed\devices.xdd". The process cannot access the file because it is being use
2283 Exception at 00DAC8F3: [I/O error 103] CopyFile
2284 Exception at 00404B77: [Invalid floating point operation] TConferenceShare.UpdateAnnotator
2289 Access violation at address 00405E0B in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address FFFFFFC8
2290  Access violation at address 00D222C5 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 0000038C
2291 Exception at 005A06CB: [Access violation at address 005A06CB in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000010] for the forms get called too. }
2294 Exception at 77D5FC47: [Access violation at address 77D5FC47 in module 'ntdll.dll'. Write of address 00000014] TFileTransfers.UpdateProgress
2300 Invite by contacts dialog allows invalid email addresses
2301 Exception at 00EC92A4: [Access violation at address 00EC92A4 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 000000A0] TVideos.DrawTabs
2302 Exception at 00CDE663: [Floating point division by zero] TResample.UpdateBoundaryRect
2303 Access violation at address 00451FD6 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000008
2307 CPU utilization spikes and PC hangs after clicking on office integration 'n' button
2317 Exception at 00798339: [The object invoked has disconnected from its clients] TwrPP.Open
2318 Exception at 0041122A: [Access violation at address 0041122A in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 7F5A4250] TwrMediaVideoDecoder.Decode, Width=720, Hei
2321 Exception at 00D43B62: [Access violation at address 00D43B62 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000004] TMetaShares.Share
2324 Access violation at address 0040BFF3 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000000
2325 Exception at 00CCD94F: [Bitmap encoder initialized without bitmap] TFormMain.wrConferenceRequestRemotePCButtonClick
2332 Exception at 00CDECA2: [Access violation at address 00CDECA2 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 0000002C] TConferenceShare.AddAnnotationData
2338 Stack overflow
2341 Access violation at address 00405E0B in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 63028478
2342 Exception at 00523746: [There is no default printer currently selected] TFormShare.ButtonPrintClick
2349 Full screen picture in picture video for hosts doesn't fill screen
2351 Exception at 7C90100B: [Access violation at address 7C90100B in module 'ntdll.dll'. Read of address 00000020] (nil).Exists.
2352 Notification balloon when a user comes online does not accept changes to duration
2354 Exception at 00EA0BCD: [Invalid floating point operation] TFormShare.AddPage.
2356 Share panel resizes autonomously in Layout 3 after restoring client from minimize
2359 Users with a named user license should see a different license count message in PC
2362 Store documents and file hint text incomplete
2364 Change password behavior


Build 317 - April 3, 2010

New Features:

Added privileges to open & save shares with annotations
Added print share privilege
Added capability to rotate shared documents or pages
Added extensive feature restrictions for administrators
Added tool for customizing settings for Nefsis rollouts & MSI pushes

Major Issues Resolved:

Fixed ClickOnce sometimes failing on Windows XP, now uses ActiveX
Fixed unable to download custom video device formats
Fixed video could freeze if the Internet connection was disrupted

Issues Resolved:

1488 New parent level CC feature restrictions
1639 Account does not have a personal meeting room
1668 RSVP page not displaying custom registration fields
1715 Dedicated users claim settings files get overwritten when a new user is created
1769 Allow deployment VCS to use custom SSL certificate if one is provided.
1806 Change deployment issues
1835 Deployment owners unable to import accounts without sending out verification email
1946 Dedicated deployments should show a region list for each conference
1955 Cannot change OptOut and Autoresponder values when editing accounts via csv import
1957 Data stream corruption exceptions
1994 Exception: [Cannot create file "C:\Users\...\AppData\Local\WiredRed\CC_settings.xml". The process cannot access the file because it is being used b
1995 List index out of bounds (1).
1997 APS and VCS should provide notification that ports are in use during setup
2001 Exception: [External exception C0FB007E] TLiveShares.Add
2003 Personal pages should not have top website navigation
2004 Appear offline contacts are still visible when Hide offline contacts is enabled
2006 Custom registration fields not visible on rsvp.aspx
2007 Exception: [Access violation at address 00AB08D4 in module 'PC.exe'. Read of address 00000042] TOIDs.RemoveStaleTreeNodes.
2012 Access violation at address 0059EFF3 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000010
2013 Exception: [Invalid WRM stream] TConferenceShare.AddMetaPage
2014 System Error.  Code: 1400. Invalid window handle
2016 Access violation at address 0059EFF3 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000010
2017 Exception: [Access violation at address 05B30625 in module 'BdAec.dll'. Read of address 00000620] TwrAudioProcessingThread.Execute
2018 Exception: [Access violation at address 00CC7FE6 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000000] TLiveShare.AnnotationToolbarAction.
2019 Exception: [List index out of bounds (1)] TConferenceShare.SetMetaCurrentPage
2020 Access violation at address 003D0051. Write of address 3D005000
2022 Access violation at address 009461DB in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000230
2023 Access violation at address 00A73A73 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000010
2024 Argument out of range.
2025 License count not displaying for users after logging into portal
2026 Pressing the Enter key with input focus on a filter edit in Firefox reloads the page instead of filtering search results
2029 Video initializing before device helper is loaded
2030 Exception: [Out of memory] TConferenceRecorder.Add
2031 Exception: [Access violation at address 00C9FB9F in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address CC07510B] TConferenceShare.AddLivePacket
2032 Exception: [Cannot create file "C:\Documents and Settings\...\Local Settings\Application Data\WiredRed\Common_settings.xml". The system cannot find
2033 Warn the presenter when a file they are trying to share has no open or print verb
2034 Handle document shares differently when no print verb is associated with a file
2037 Access violation at address 007750F1 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000034
2038 Exception: [Access violation at address 00CA2EC1 in module 'CC.exe'. Write of address 081335D8] TConferenceShare.AddLivePacket
2041 Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window
2042 Modify wording on the connecting to conference page on the VCS
2044 Mask passwords on all web pages and edits
2046 Invalid pointer operation
2048 Control 'PanelQuality' has no parent window
2049 Exception: [I/O error 103] TFileUploader.Execute
2051 Falscher Parameter.
2053 Personal pages are missing logout and license count
2054 Bulk changes to personal pages
2055 Exception: [Access violation at address 00CB174A in module 'PC.exe'. Read of address 00000008] TXMLAccountData.GetStrings.
2059 No context-sensitive help installed
2060 Access violation at address 004072A0 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 5914953F.
2061 Control 'PanelContainerControl' has no parent window.
2063 Access violation at address 00B6788A in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 000000B8
2064 Access violation at address 0040473F in module 'CC.exe'. Write of address 000669C8
2066 Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window
2067 Access violation at address 008193A7 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000000
2068 Access violation at address 00EA88F4 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address FFFFFFFD
2069 Exception: [Unable to create directory] TwrConference.InFileTransferChunk.
2071 Unable to download XVF through CC
2073 Access violation at address 007DC41F in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000128
2074 Exception: [Invalid pointer operation] TFormFiles.Destroy
2075 Exception: [Access violation at address 0040472F in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 06841F26] TwrConference.InShareLivePacket
2076 Access violation at address 00594335 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 431A579A
2079 Exception: [Access violation at address 00C9C583 in module 'CC.exe'. Write of address 00000000] TFormVideo.Paint
2080 Exception: [System Error.  Code: 1400. Invalid window handle] TFormAudioSettings.Initialize
2081 Exception: [Access violation at address 00000000. Read of address 00000000] TFormUsers.Destroy
2082 Exception: [Access violation at address 0040B7F8 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000008] TwrDSOut.Open
2083 FocusWindow remains on screen after clicking Stop Sharing
2084 Review loader method for Firefox
2085 Exception: [Access violation at address 004110B7 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 7F385A70] TwrMediaPlayback.TimerVideoExpired
2086 Exception: [Invalid XML data] TCCPipeDeserializer.Deserialize
2088 Argument out of range
2089 Exception: [Cannot create file "C:\Documents and Settings\...\Local Settings\Application Data\WiredRed\Common_settings.xml". The process cannot 
2090 The parameter is incorrect
2091 join.html does not contain link to CCSetup.exe under Chrome
2092 Auto enabled video with Follow my layout
2093 Custom domain not used uniformly throughout CC
2094 Custom domain not used uniformly throughout PC
2095 Screen name from PC not propagating to CC
2096 VCS only calls getdeployment at service startup
2097 Remove Check for updates when a deployment is specified
2098 PC needs to disable conference features based on CCFeatures from APS
2099 Add group should be disabled for child accounts
2100 Issue with getconference stored procedure would result in conference content not being stored
2101 ServerSetup does not extract ClickOnce files to VCS folder
2103 Changing status wipes out PC_accounts.xml file
2108 Feature control uniformity
2110 VCS unable to use certificate installed by ServerSetup
2112 At 800x600 and 1024x768 the personal page is clipped and no horizontal scrollbar is present.
2113 Clicking on flashing 'Stop control' button during remote PC doesn't stop control
2114 When a user is promoted to a Host, disabled features are enabled on the Start page
2116 Hide codec installer on ribbon when Recording feature is disabled
2117 Issues with Document and PowerPoint sharing feature control
2118 Share Files feature control does not work
2119 Password field in Personal Page settings does not enable when the user selects 'Join existing personal page'
2123 Exception: [Access violation at address 00DF1165 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 01484EDE] TPCMessages.Destroy
2124 The parameter is incorrect
2126 Exception: [Access violation at address 00408C34 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address FFFFFFF8] TFormNetworkTools.OnPingResponseRouting
2129 Exception: [Access violation at address 00CD18C7 in module 'VCS.exe'. Write of address 00000030] (nil).GetDeployment.
2131 Custom domain not used correctly in invitations
2132 Add Always show ActiveX checkbox to the account features page
2133 Exception: [Access violation at address 00E25E07 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000004] TXMLCommonSettingsData.Create
2135 Exception: [List index out of bounds (0)] TResample.DrawMeta
2142 Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window
2146 Rotate all pages skips the last page in the presentation
2148 Invite by email button on Start tab is about 1 pixel out of alignment with the rest of the buttons
2154 PC polling issues
2158 Test connection fails for dedicated configurations
2159 Presence information for invisible groups still sent to PC clients
2161 LoginStatus not saved in XML
2162 Controls disabled via XML config are re-enabled after a failed login
2163 Settings.exe overwrites data on exit
2165 PC_Accounts.required.xml issues
2166 Link buttons on Login form visible briefly during auto-login
2167 List index out of bounds (2).
2168 Some State and Priority settings are not being saved or persisting through a session
2169 MessageBalloonDisplayDuration requires a value in milliseconds, but Settings.exe represents this value in seconds
2170 CC required and default XML settings are not being utilized
2171 Caption does not update for the Apply my layout button when Language setting is changed
2172 Login UI settings are not saved if the user exits before logging in
2174 Headers turn white on mouse over
2175 Recording Output Size resets to Actual Size when AVI output is selected
2176 CC returns ambiguous error message when it cannot find a conference
2181 Exception: [Access violation at address 00E9997C in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 000000A0] TVideos.DrawTabs
2187 IE displays mixed content warning when a user is redirected to a VCS using HTTPS
2188 Editing personal page settings with a custom hostname specified will result in an error
2189 Modifying a different user's personal page header results in changes to the logged in user's session
2190 Issue with detaching an account from a shared personal page
2192 Always use logon name restriction discrepancy
2196 Exception: [Access violation at address 00D51987 in module 'CC.exe'. Write of address 00000018] THTTPRequest.SendWinHTTP

2139 Exception: [Invalid pointer operation] TFormUsers.Destroy
2141 Exception: [Thread Error: The handle is invalid (6)] TFormConnecting.TimerBlinkTimer
2143 Exception: [Access violation at address 00BFE5CC in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000010] TwrVideoDeviceConfiguration.LoadFromFile
2155 Whiteboard does not save
2179 Access violation at address 5D484770. Read of address 5D484770
2186 Exception: [Access violation at address 06A1CEB0. Read of address 06A1CEB0] TPaint.Execute
2193 Access violation at address 009F60A7 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000048
2195 Access violation at address 00C9D367 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address B897CC78
2200 Change button text
2204 Change combo boxes in Settings.exe to non-editable lists
2206 Clicking "popup message icon" shows feature restricted "History" tab
2207 Presence of edit verb should be handled by wrFindExecutable
2208 Disable items in App menu when not connected to a conference
2210 Exception: [Access violation at address 0040B94C in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000008] TwrDSOut.Open
2213 Invalid pointer operation
2215 Exception: [Access violation at address 00406200 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 5ED31250] TFormFiles.Destroy
2216 Exception: [Access violation at address 0040863A in module 'CC.exe'. Write of address 0054005C] TProxySettings.InitFromIE
2217 CC uninstaller opens explorer window
2220 Remove trial expired message if trial has been expired for more than 7 days
2225 Always on VoIP setting does not work
2226 Collapsed groups in PC expand when you change status
2227 Error -99 returned by GetDeployment immediately after deployment VCS starts the first time
2236 Setconference not setting 18th bit value in mask


Build 300 - February 20, 2010

New Features:

Added ClickOnce installer which makes joining conferences easier
Added support for document sharing on 64-bit Windows and Internet Explorer protected mode
Added helpers for video devices with known problematic drivers
Added support for NTLM and pass-through proxy authentication

Major Issues Resolved:

Fixed EOutofMemory in Loader
Fixed IE protected mode causing various usability limitations

Issues Resolved:

1365 Addin buttons for Help and About don't do anything inside of Outlook
1546 Exception EOutOfMemory in module LoaderIE.ocx at 001367DC.
1599 Invite by email button does not create new email
1600 Images inserted into Join message appear as error placeholder
1624 Unable to share web browser as standard user in Windows 7 with Low integrity
1651 Invitations from within CC that are sent by non-owner hosts do not contain the participant password in the hyperlink
1670 Access violation at address 00404CC5 in module 'PC.exe'. Read of address FFFFFFFE.
1675 Audio bandwidth meter not displaying
1680 Exception: [Invalid XML attribute: "=" expected] TSession.InHandshakeSettings
1681 Exception: [Access violation at address 009D8D0B in module 'PC.exe'. Read of address 00000018] TAPSSession.AsInteger.
1683 Load Template when editing a conference forces a new conference creation
1684 Promoted hosts unable to control AEC/ANC settings of users who joined before them
1686 Drop shadow stays visible on screen
1687 Doc Sharing fails as standard user on 64-bit Windows
1688 Doc Sharing fails as administrator in Protected Mode
1690 Doc Sharing fails as standard user with Protected Mode on 32-bit Windows
1691 VCS ran out of memory
1692 Document sharing fails for files with no extension
1695 pcsetup.msi does not install proxy dlls
1696 iesetupxp.msi does not register plugin with IE8
1698 Exception: [Access violation at address 00A886EF in module 'CC.exe'. Write of address 029EF000] TwrConference.OnVideoCapture
1699 Resizing chat window causes it to clip videos
1700 Warn host when requesting remote control of a user who is in low integrity
1702 Get groups command is limited to 25 results with no option to query additional groups
1705 Various issues with the IE plugins
1706 User unable to change account password through PC or the webpage
1709 Typo in failure dialog for password reset
1710 Capitalization change requested for Audio settings button in status bar.
1711 Promoted Hosts and Presenters can initiate a share, but the share does not show up for any user in the conference
1712 Test connection button does not work when PC is configured to connect to a deployment
1715 Dedicated users claim settings files get overwritten when a new user is created
1716 New VoIP meetings show different notification to invitation recipient
1717 Exception: [Integer overflow] TFormConferenceCenter.IsMeetingRoom.
1719 Reconnect does not join the user back into the conference
1720 Document sharing fails as an administrator in protected mode on Windows Vista x64
1722 Videos cut off in Video Only (Best Fit) layout
1724 Exception: [Invalid video dimensions (dimensions must be even and greater than 0)] TwrConference.SetVideo.
1726 (GDI+ Error) Out of Memory.
1727 Exception: [Invalid floating point operation] TwrAudioProcessingThread.Execute
1728 Access violation at address 7C91B21A in module 'ntdll.dll'. Write of address 005D6E79
1729 Access violation at address 7C918AF2 in module 'ntdll.dll'. Write of address 6E272075
1730 Access violation at address 00404A92 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address CB96083C
1731 Access violation at address 7C91B21A in module 'ntdll.dll'. Write of address 0031008E
1732 Exception: [Invalid video dimensions (dimensions must be even and greater than 0)] TwrConference.SetVideo
1734 Exception: [Access violation at address 00404D0C in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 61657238] TwrConference.CloseAudio
1736 Exception: [Access violation at address 76EEE13D in module 'ntdll.dll'. Write of address 00000078] TFontInfo.Paint
1737 Exception: [External exception C000001D] TwrAudioProcessingThread.Create
1738 Exception: [Invalid floating point operation] TwrAudioProcessingThread.Execute
1739 Access violation at address 0063C47B in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000008
1740 Access violation at address 00404A92 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address CB96083C
1741 Access violation at address 0062F176 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00001060
1742 Access violation at address 005B37B4 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000008
1743 Access violation at address 7C91B21A in module 'ntdll.dll'. Write of address 00000010
1744 Access violation at address 00000000. Read of address 00000000
1745 Access violation at address 7C918FEA in module 'ntdll.dll'. Write of address 00000010
1747 Exception: [Access violation at address 004020A9 in module 'CC.exe'. Write of address 00000000] TwrConference.CloseAudio
1749 External exception C0000008
1750 Exception: [Access violation at address 005A5954 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 0000000C] TwrPP.Export2007Slides
1751 Access violation at address 7C91B1FA in module 'ntdll.dll'. Write of address 005D6E79
1752 Access violation at address 77213387 in module 'ntdll.dll'. Write of address 00610088
1753 Access violation at address 005B37B2 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 20204E4F
1754 Access violation at address 00617584 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 30645FC4
1755 Privileged instruction
1757 Exception: [Access violation at address 00A90C10 in module 'CC.exe'. Write of address 00130000] TConferenceUser.AddVideoPacket
1758 Exception: [(GDI+ Error) Generic Error] TResample.DrawAnnotations
1759 Access violation at address 8B008B50. Read of address 8B008B50
1760 Access violation at address 776D8C39 in module 'ntdll.dll'. Write of address 00000014.
1761 Exception: [The handle is invalid.] TFormWizPicture3.FormShow.
1762 Exception: [Out of system resources] TFormWizPicture3.FormShow.
1764 Access violation at address 774B8C39 in module 'ntdll.dll'. Write of address 6E272079
1765 Access violation at address 77B98C39 in module 'ntdll.dll'. Write of address 00000014
1766 Exception: [Error reading ImageDockShare.SmallCaptionFont.Name: (GDI+ Error) The specified font is not a TrueType font] TFormMain.wrConferenceUserLeve
1767 Add support for new CPUs
1770 “Appear offline” users have a greyed out picture instead of a silhouette picture
1771 Improvements to the video device selector dialog
1772 Change conference virtualization so VCSes that have not setstatus recently do not get new conferences
1773 Conflict with Word envelope maker when logged into PC client
1774 Access violation at address 4964656C. Read of address 4964656C
1775 Access violation at address 7761B15F in module 'ntdll.dll'. Write of address 00000014
1776 (GDI+ Error) Out of Memory
1777 Exception: [Cannot create file C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp\WiredRed\Common_settings.xml. The system cannot find the path specified] TXMLCommonSe
1778 Exception: [Access violation at address 00845E33 in module 'CC.exe'. Write of address 00000000] TwrConference.InShareMouseDown
1779 Access violation at address 772E8C39 in module 'ntdll.dll'. Write of address 00000014
1780 CC: Exception: [Access violation at address 00B65E3E in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000004] TFormMain.wrConferenceUserVideoInput
1781 Issues with Browser shares when Chrome is set as the Windows default browser
1782 Access violation at address 773DE13D in module 'ntdll.dll'. Write of address 00000014
1783 Exception: [Call was rejected by callee] TwrPP.Close
1784 Exception: [Access violation at address 004020A9 in module 'CC.exe'. Write of address 3BC19F67] TwrConference.CloseAudio
1785 Access violation at address 77D33387 in module 'ntdll.dll'. Write of address 00000014
1786 Exception: [Access violation at address 00A506E6 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 0000002C] TConferenceShare.AddAnnotationData
1787 Exception: [OLE error 8004406D] TConferenceRecorder.Close
1788 Exception: [TcxTabs.Delete: Tab's index (-1) out of bounds] TFormMain.Destroy
1789 (GDI+ Error) Out of Memory
1790 (GDI+ Error) Out of Memory
1791 Exception: [Access violation at address 0070926B in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 0000001C] TFormMain.wrConferenceConferenceOpen
1792 Unspecified error
1793 Improve appearance of the buttons on the recording dialog
1794 Extend wildcard support in Device Helper xdd
1796 Users disconnecting from updated 270 VCS
1797 Exception: [Access violation at address 00B2E677 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000004] TFormMain.wrConferenceUserVideoInput
1799 Access violation at address 76929C00 in module 'msvcrt.dll'. Write of address 00000000
1800 (GDI+ Error) Out of Memory
1801 Exception: [(GDI+ Error) Out of Memory] TResample.DrawAnnotations
1802 Exception: [Interface not supported] TwrPP.Export2007Slides
1805 Access violation at address 006D49A2 in module 'PC.exe'. Read of address 00000144
1808 Exception: [Access violation at address 00A4C895 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 0A181000] TLiveShare.HandleCapture
1810 Access violation at address 006BEDA7 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 000000B7
1812 Access violation at address 0063CD93 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000008.
1813 Video device input setting is being ignored and nulled out
1814 Additional media sharing in same conference don't follow layout views
1815 Visit directs deployment users to the deployment's domain setting
1818 Access violation at address 4ED71DB8 in module 'gdiplus.dll'. Read of address 00000000
1820 Exception: [Access violation at address 0040203F in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 0002A290] TFormMain.Deinitialize
1821 Exception: [Invalid pointer operation] TConferenceUsers.DeleteAll
1822 Exception: [Access violation at address 004020A9 in module 'CC.exe'. Write of address 006C0065] TConferenceUser.Destroy
1824 Access violation at address 0063D767 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000008
1825 Access violation at address 004020A9 in module 'CC.exe'. Write of address 8B08458B
1827 Access violation at address 0183026D. Read of address 850761B9
1828 Video selector appears frequently for a user whose camera is functioning
1829 Retain fit in view/fit to width/actual size as persistent client preference
1830 Exception: [Access violation at address 00632712 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000374] TFormMain.wrConferenceChatDelete
1831 Access violation at address 06524F17 in module 'LVUI2.dll'. Read of address 435C7365
1832 Exception: [Invalid pointer operation] TConferenceMediaShares.Reset
1834 Issues with shares when host does not have Control Focus privilege
1837 Exception: [Cannot parse empty XML] TConferenceUser.Update
1838 Push to talk button does not appear when Voice Activation feature is disabled
1839 Exception: [Access violation at address 00404CA8 in module 'PC.exe'. Read of address FFFFFFD0] TFormMain.ActionPopupFromTemplateExecute.
1840 Actions button over video permanently appears/disappears when floating/docking
1842 Access violation at address 00000000. Read of address 00000000.
1843 Access violation at address 004E0065 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 04FC13DD.
1844 Exception: [Access violation at address 0043A3D6 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 0000000D] TwrMediaPlayback.TimerVideoExpired
1845 (GDI+ Error) The method performed an arithmetic operation that produces a numeric overflow
1846 Exception: [Invalid pointer operation] TConferenceShare.Destroy
1847 Exception: [Failed to set data for 'InitAudio'] TFormMain.ClearUserRegistryValue
1848 Exception: [System Error.  Code: 1400. Invalid window handle] TConferenceShare.Destroy
1850 Exception: [List index out of bounds (3)] TFormMain.wrConferenceChatAdd
1851 Exception: [Access violation at address 00A91A9A in module 'CC.exe'. Write of address 00140000] TConferenceUser.AddVideoPacket
1852 Cannot change Visible in OnShow or OnHide
1854 Invalid pointer operation.
1857 Exception: [Access violation at address 006DB3B3 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000054] TFormVideo.FormMouseDown
1860 Exception: [Invalid pointer operation] TwrConference.CloseAudio
1863 Stack overflow
1864 Exception: [Access violation at address 0040351F in module 'CC.exe'. Write of address 00000008] TwrConference.OnVideoCapture
1866 Access violation at address 00549E93 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000008
1867 Access violation at address 00A6642C in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000034
1869 Exception: [The remote procedure call failed] TwrPP.NormalizeXPSlide
1872 Access violation at address 00BB7905 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 0000006C.
1873 Exception: [(GDI+ Error) The specified style is not available for the specified font family] TFormStart.FormResize.
1874 Access violation at address E8FC458B. Read of address E8FC458B.
1875 Access violation at address 00A50E5D in module 'CC.exe'. Write of address 00000030.
1876 Exception: [Access violation at address 00000000. Read of address 00000000] TConferenceShare.Destroy.
1877 Exception: [Floating point division by zero] TConferenceShare.CreateAnnotator
1878 Exception: [No argument for format '% '] TFormNetworkTools.UpdateLatency
1881 Exception: [The RPC server is unavailable] TwrPP.Close
1882 Exception: [Erreur d'index de liste] TMetaShares.DoMetas
1885 Invalid pointer operation.
1886 Exception: [Access violation at address 00BC9A5C in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 000001B0] TFormMain.UpdateAudioVideoControls
1887 Exception: [A chamada foi rejeitada pelo chamado] TwrPP.Normalize2007Slide
1891 Access violation at address 00700BD0 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000018
1892 Access violation at address 1C4014D0 in module ''. Write of address 068BB600
1895 Changes to conference video options
1896 Exception: [Access violation at address 006D49A2 in module 'PC.exe'. Read of address 00000145] ShowReceivePopupDialog
1897 Exception: [Access violation at address 00A9913E in module 'CC.exe'. Write of address 001301C0] TConferenceUser.AddVideoPacket
1898 Exception: [Access violation at address 00A4A47B in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 09FD2000] TConferenceShare.AddLivePacket
1900 Exception: [Access violation at address 00A4A47B in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 0C660000] TConferenceShare.AddLivePacket
1901 Exception: [Access violation at address 00A4A47B in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 07F40000] TConferenceShare.AddLivePacket
1902 Typo in Live Share Options dialog
1903 Exiting the Live Share Options dialog through the close window button does not cancel performing a live share
1904 Exception: [Cannot create file "C:\Users\AppData\Local\WiredRed\devices.xdd". 
1905 Application and Desktop shares with the FocusWindow 
1906 Incorrect email address or password. Please retry. Blah blah blah blah
1907 On initial ClickOnce install, loader does not bring CC to foreground
1908 Exception: [(GDI+ Error) One of the arguments passed to the method was not valid] TwrHTMLUtils.GetGraphicAtURL
1909 Exception: [Access violation at address 00401CE1 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address FFFFFFFC] TLiveShare.CaptureTimerExpired
1913 join.html on VCS needs Flash object embedded for Launcher.exe to work
1914 Exception: [Access violation at address 00A446DA in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000000] TFormVideo.Paint
1916 Access violation at address 00BB7905 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 0000006C
1917 (GDI+ Error) One of the arguments passed to the method was not valid
1918 Access violation at address 006DECA7 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000008.
1919 Stack overflow.
1921 Access violation at address 0070887F in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000000
1922 Range check error
1924 Access violation at address 095E1AF0. Read of address 095E1AF0
1930 Exception: [Access violation at address 00402069 in module 'CC.exe'. Write of address 00BE65E0] TConferenceUsers.Update.
1931 Access violation at address 00AAAB71 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000000
1932 Exception: [Access violation at address 00AAAB71 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000000] TFormMain.ActionShareMediaFile
1933 Access violation at address 00BB62BD in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 0000006C
1935 Exception: [buffer error] TResample.DrawMeta
1937 Exception: [Could not convert variant of type (UnicodeString) into type (Date)] TFormFileTransfer.SetValues
1939 Exception: [Access violation at address 00AFD781 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000010] TRVTextItemInfo.AddAnnotationData
1942 Exception: [Invalid XML document: "<" not allowed within element] TwrConference.InHandshakeSettings
1943 Exception: [Access violation at address 00BFD42D in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 46646570] TwrConference.OutVideoDevicesSelf
1944 Exception: [Invalid Xml Device Data document] TwrConference.InHandshakeSettings
1945 Make chat input editbox more noticeable
1947 Exception: [Access violation at address 00000000. Read of address 00000000] TFormConferenceEditMain.ButtonOKJoinClick
1948 Exception: [Access violation at address 00B424A5 in module 'PC.exe'. Read of address 00000008] TFormMain.ShowR
1949 Access violation at address 73D50937 in module 'gdiplus.dll'. Read of address 00000004.
1950 Video initialization failure registry key not cleared if no video devices are present
1951 Exception: [Access violation at address 00D8AC39 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000014] (nil).AddAudioPacket
1953 Exception: [Access violation at address 00D1487A in module 'CC.exe'. Write of address 00000000] TwrMediaPlayback.TimerVideoExpired
1956 License count not refreshing
1957 Data stream corruption exceptions
1960 Video Settings form issues
1961 Users configured with different Zoom settings cause smooth scrolling in live shares to stutter
1962 Remove close window button from floating chat
1963 Action button scrolling up the side of videos
1965 Control 'PanelContainerControl' has no parent window
1966 Access violation at address 007D40FB in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 000000B7
1967 Status combo box has no value selected on first login
1969 Enabling XML logging requires logout to take effect
1970 Visual anomaly at the bottom of loopback video with the Life Cam Cinema
1973 Change 'unable to connect' message to something easier for a user to understand
1974 Exception: [Access violation at address 00BF9678 in module 'PC.exe'. Read of address 00000010] TXMLSettingsData.GetCount.
1976 Exception: [Access violation at address 73F15A8F in module 'dsound.dll'. Write of address 00000001] TwrDSOut.Open
1977 Access violation at address 00700088 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 0000001C
1979 Exception: [External exception C0000006] TResample.DrawAnnotations
1980 Exception: [Cannot create file "C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp\proxy.pac". The process cannot access the file because it is being used by anothe
1981 Error reading TimerUpdate.OnTimer: Not enough timers available
1982 Access violation at address 006DB3CB in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000054
1983 Access violation at address 006DECA7 in module 'CC.exe'. Read of address 00000008
1984 Exception: [I/O error 103] TFileUploader.Execute
1992 Access violation at address 047883F4. Read of address 047883F4
1993 Access violation at address 00404D1E in module 'cc.exe'. Read of address C38B2089
1996 Layout changes not applying to virtualized conferences
1999 Radio button not checking properly
2000 Follow my layout does not work with multiple media shares open


Build 278 - November 20, 2009

This update fixes reported issues that affected some specific users. The Nefsis Tray Applet & Contact List (PCSetup.exe) is now build 278, but Nefsis Conferencing (conference client) remains build 270.  When you apply the PCSetup update, you automatically get the most recent Nefsis Conferencing fixes applied as well. To obtain this update, click Check for updates under the Application button inside of the Tray Applet or download PCSetup.exe directly at

Major Issues Resolved:

Fixed not all users displayed in the user list when entering a conference
Fixed audio can stutter or stop transmitting after a period of time
Fixed Windows 2000 preliminary support with Unicode

Issues Resolved:

1604 Audio playback volume shoots to 100% on some machines on first use
1605 At 1024x768 the questionnaire is too small
1607 Expert conference options displayed in Easy view
1608 Logging into PC with no existing accounts or settings files shows placeholder text in application menu
1615 Share chat while in webinar layout shows balloon popup advising user to change layout
1617 SetDllDirectoryW not supported by Windows 2000
1635 Exception: [Invalid pointer operation] THTTPRequests.Clear.
1644 Participants in conference unable to see each other in the user list
1652 EStackOverflow
1653 Exception: [(GDI+ Error) One of the arguments passed to the method was not valid] TResample.DrawAnnotations.
1658 Expert view setting not retained after exiting PC


Build 270 - November 7, 2009

This update fixes numerous reported issues and adds new features.

New Features:

Added support for 10 languages including; Chinese, Dutch, French, French Canadian, German, Italian, Russian, European Spanish, and Latin American Spanish.
Added first-time user helpers for configuring new video devices.
Added extensive new support for high definition video cameras and capture cards.
Added support for Windows 7 and 64-bit operating systems.
Added support for other Windows browsers including Chrome, Safari and Opera.
Added support for entering conferences from Windows Standard Users on UAC enabled desktops through ActiveX.
Added numerous new proxy capabilities including authentication, unified proxy settings, WPAD, PAC without JSProxy, Socks5 and more.
Added ability to control what global region a conference is virtualized within.

Issues Resolved:

19 AVI recording stops recording once the file is 2GB
86 Add authentication capabilities to proxy support
87 SOCKS 4/5 support not working
90 AVI recordings don't properly playback on all computers
92 Add manual proxy configuration
280 Contact enumeration should also show contacts from other Exchange groups
283 Add basic non-animated hand pointer to list of available annotation pointers
378 Show Chat Window in Webinar Mode
379 Ability to float Chat Window
389 Release personal page name when converting to child
1032 Loader for updating PCSetup should use proxy settings
1054 Add ability to tag TCP packets for priority DSCP
1175 Issue drawing mute on status bar after minimizing
1181 Nefsis logo can appear over shared tabs
1212 Users video not showing properly when they first join
1217 Negative value in processor rating
1226 PC should not allow child accounts to create groups
1234 Hyperlinks should always use the domain name if provided
1235 Audio green border should still elluminate when video is paused
1296 Cipher Level listed as FIPS 104-2 and should be 140-2
1298 Add support for the new CipherLevel switch in the APS.Config file
1299 CipherLevel tooltip is incorrect
1303 Welcome page should be able to be the active share tab for new attendees
1309 Quick conferences and personal meeting rooms should not show a timezone in the conferences listing.
1310 Proxy user and password not being retained and passed through
1311 Outlook enumeration does not work consistently
1312 PC uses inconsistent locale time
1313 Exception: [Access violation at address 0062D31F in module 'CC.exe'] TFormVideo.FormMouseDown
1315 Trial & license info reappears in status bar
1318 Show chat window in webinar layout mode
1319 Show the conference participant hyperlink on the My Conferences list
1320 Rename Send to Meeting Room to Invite to Meeting Room
1321 Change switch layout into a pull down of visual selections
1323 Video hides immediately when owner joins meeting for participant
1324 Moderator pin should be shown to the conference owner host
1327 Annotation toolbar is echoed to conference participants in live shares instead of gray box
1328 Need 'Apply My Layout' hotkey which sends layout but doesn't follow
1332 Exception: [Catastrophic failure] TPCMessages.Deserialize.
1333 Exception: [Access violation at address 009B452A in module 'CC.exe'] TConferenceShare.AddAnnotationD
1336 Exception: [Access violation at address 0096B95F in module 'PC.exe']  TXMLAccountData.WriteAccessPoi
1337 Hitting Join button after modifying email invite does not save invite changes
1338 Invite by email will paste text twice into the mail program if using plain text instead of html mode
1339 Connection settings are not saved if there is no login name specified
1340 PPT has distorted images after importing, although correct in emf export from PowerPoint
1341 File transfer not notifying user in busy state
1342 Exception: [Access violation at address 00A1792A in module 'CC.exe'] TwrAudioProcessingThread.Execut
1346 Unable to share a PowerPoint, Exception: CoInitialize has not been called.
1347 Proxy radio buttons not enabled and disabled properly
1352 PC will sometimes create a new personal meeting room even if one already exists
1356 Setup should not enable/install services if deployment is not setup
1359 Default.pfx should be installed if no other certificate is already installed
1360 Implement new region selection based upon IP address
1361 Add support for new Proxy related settings in the APS.Config file
1363 Redirection to VCS should use name instead of IP address if one is specified
1364 Plantronics 615m shows up as a 'headset' device instead of a 'playback' device
1365 Addin buttons for Help and About don't do anything inside of Outlook
1366 New Meeting fails with SetConference returning ErrorCode="2"
1367 Full screen shares are always on primary monitor
1368 Exception: [List index out of bounds (9)] TFormVideo.OnClickVideoMode.
1370 Priority settings revert to defaults after closing the Settings dialog
1371 Chat should have a popup menu with cut, copy and paste
1372 Chat should have a popup menu with cut, copy and paste
1375 "You must specify a login name" error displayed, even though name was provided
1376 Exception: [Control '' has no parent window] TFormMain.ShareDesktop.
1377 Exception: The parameter is incorrect. frmMonitorSelector.pas
1378 Contacts filter should be a wildcard filter
1379 Add filter feature the history tab.
1380 Tester claims that all MP3 media files crash CC
1381 Contact list not sorted alphabetically sometimes
1382 Offline contacts appear sometimes even though hide offline is checked
1383 PPT images do not change as you advance slides
1385 Yellow halo around live sharing cursor should be less obvious
1386 CC window resizing
1390 PC shows incorrect conference URL on Start tab for deployments
1391 Handle recording when the output reaches the maximum file size.
1392 Track audio and video initialization failures
1393 Handle missing BdAec.dll
1397 Proxy edit fields enabled by default
1398 VCS not utilizing proxy settings
1399 Scheduled conference start time selection 
1401 Exception: Invalid pointer operation
1402 Status combo box on Login dialog is empty
1403 Connection settings dialog blank
1404 Changing language setting affects Application menu 
1406 Tooltip incorrect
1407 Tooltip incorrect
1408 Misspelling in Account Wizard
1409 Reassigning personal meeting room DN
1411 Floating video gets echoed in live desktop share
1412 OK button on Connection Settings dialog disabled
1413 Access violations when inviting from contacts
1414 Subscribed accounts do not show up in contact list
1415 List view on FormWizAddContact3 shows incorrect user information
1417 Tab ordering on the Connection Settings form is awkward
1419 Security per conference is no longer optional
1421 Activation needs to be removed from the UI
1423 Some controls missing Hints
1425 PC crashes when removing a subscribed account
1426 Incorrect Hint
1427 Command line passed to CC when joining a conference needs to be updated
1428 Mouse cursor should change when moved over the column header dividers
1429 Inconsistent spacing between Priority tabs
1430 Mouse-over/selected state not cleared from tabs in options
1432 CC freezes momentarily when changing audio input device
1436 CC join form strips '#' from passwords
1438 Audio devices that don't register a playback line in WinXP are not enumerated in Nefsis
1441 Removing a login name from the list does not update the values for the other UI elements
1443 CC passing improperly formatted text to Loader 
1444 Connection settings dialog tab order is wrong and password should be hidden
1448 Failed to initialize video warning on machine with no video devices
1449 Bitmaps missing from buttons in the Notify settings
1450 Annotation shape outline size
1451 CC crashes when browser is configured for WPAD or PAC files
1452 Unable to request control of live share after rejoining conference
1453 Text not always saved to whiteboard
1454 Select tool does not always include annotations that are within the selection area
1456 PCSetup.exe hangs on Windows 7
1457 Exception thrown when requesting remote control
1459 TUsers TdxBarControl hints are not present
1461 Editing the DN of a virtualized conference returns an odd error message
1462 View Thumbnails privilege is broken
1467 Language updates dialog
1468 Take host or presenter allows conference owner to demote themselves
1470 Paste email address from clipboard does not work or needs clarification
1471 TdxBarControl on Invite to conference dialog is moveable
1473 EOleError in module LoaderIE.ocx
1474 Name labels on videos do not update if a user changes their screen name
1475 Exception [Out of memory] TwrConference.InVideoPacketSync
1476 Join conference form does not mask password
1477 Long delay in video initialization causes the Select video device dialog to appear
1478 Video device context menu does not list any devices if the default device fails to initialize.
1479 Intermediate videos modes missing for HD resolutions
1482 No header caption text on the connections settings page
1484 EAccessViolation when leaving conference with application share active
1485 Hide Push to talk button when voice activation is enabled
1491 License information not updating after a disconnect/reconnect sequence
1492 Opening the connection error document on the login page causes the animated gif to disappear
1495 Try additional modes checkbox should be disabled if not capture devices are enumerated
1496 Export video formats does not always append a file extension
1497 Unable to select XVF file for capture devices that does not have a device name
1498 Exception in TwrConference.OnVideoCapture
1500 PC unable to connect through proxy when configured for automatic settings
1502 Translations not showing up on annotation toolbar and users list sysinfo
1503 Large fonts creates a few issues when combined with translations
1505 Status combo box empty when PC is launched with no accounts
1507 PC disconnects and starts receiving Network unreachable errors after being connected for 10 minutes 
1508 PC not displaying trial and license info
1509 Logging out of a personal page should return you to the personal page instead of the normal login page
1511 Access violations in CC
1512 Exception when selecting half resolution with an odd value
1513 Conference links on the portal page should use the custom link
1514 Proxy authentication abort shows 2 proxy unauthorized dialogs
1517 Blue screen of death when initializing video device does not trigger warning dialog on next run
1518 Entire error message text is displayed in the header of the popup
1519 407 response not saved to PC_err.html if the user cancels authentication
1520 PC needs to manually initialize auto proxy settings
1521 Rich content  not appearing in PC chats
1524 Some hotkeys do not work when CC is in fullscreen mode
1525 Button tooltip text changes
1526 Quick Conference returns error popup
1527 Exception: Cannot import image
1528 Filter fields in the Accounts list lose input focus when you press tab
1529 Exception: [Floating point division by zero] TConferenceShare.CreateAnnotator.
1530 Exceptions after creating new account
1532 Floating chat and going to video only makes chat disappear
1533 Selection marquee stays on screen
1534 Name of user appears in the direction of the pointer
1535 Follow my layout settings like fit and video settings not being applied to new attendees
1539 Autoconfig url edit field not present in the login screen's connection settings
1540 Turn on everyone's video and Unmute everyon's audio on the Start page should be disabled for Presenters
1542 Hints being overwritten for some buttons
1547 When scheduling a conference, clicking on Advanced resets the conference DN and the topic is erased
1548 Changes to conference settings are not retained
1549 Exception in TFormMain.Deinitialize
1550 Host has no A/V controls when promoted in Video Only layout
1551 Spelling mistake on the "Reload Language file" tooltip
1552 PPT animations display "32" before animation is invoked
1553 When selecting an image file for the user's picture, the Files of type All should be changed to All supported image types
1554 Personal image does not redraw when adding a contact
1555 There should be a limit on the length of the optional message when adding a contact
1556 Unable to send popups with files attached
1558 New Nefsis account does not see New Meeting pulldown menu in the chat window
1559 Contact list view button order changed
1560 Conference Options pulldown is missing the Join existing conference button for a new Nefsis account
1561 Status combo box changes selected item to Online after you select Appear offline
1562 Presenter password hint misleading
1563 Formating controls should be disabled when previewing conference messages
1564 Exceptions when connecting to a conference
1565 Option to Enable conference is disabled in the Edit template form
1566 Some columns could be removed from the My Conferences grid
1567 Unable to insert image into annotation over live share
1568 Invalid pointer operation.
1569 5.1 settings not properly imported into 5.2
1570 Proxy authentication dialog draws incorrectly when running under OCX
1572 Give Control of document share does not give participant Control Focus privilege
1576 Email addresses in chat do not work unless the mailto scheme is specified
1583 In certain situations, images copied from a chat in CC will be pasted into a whiteboard as an image within a text edit
1585 Trial and License information not updating after login


Build 240 - July 3, 2009

This update fixes numerous reported issues and adds new features.

New Features:

Added Exchange Address Book and Outlook Group enumeration to invite by contact dialog
Added support for Share Document from Vista x64 and Windows 7 RC
Added import invite contacts from CSV files and clipboard
Added much faster PowerPoint convert and share

Major Issues Resolved:

Fixed artifacts with media sharing
Fixed VoIP audio stops transmitting abruptly
Fixed VoIP echo canceller creates noise

Minor Issues Resolved:

585 Invite from contacts should include Global Address List
1052 Subscribe to contact shows wrong contact to approve
1080 Nefsis Printer may not work on Windows Vista 64 bit
1083 Invite dialog should support Exchange global contacts
1094 Animated cursors not shown on top of live application
1138 Whiteboard insert image is not very intuitive
1149 Exception: [Access violation at address 008025E7 in module 'CC.exe'] TConferenceShare.AddLivePacket.
1153 Handle when the Windows mixer for recording device is muted
1164 Connection balloon stays on screen
1168 The floating video panel should not hide when switching to share only layout
1169 Exception: [Access violation at address 00405011 in module 'CC.exe'] TConferenceUser.Destroy
1170 Media share cannot move slider while paused
1171 Follow my layout should follow the expand and collapse of the ribbon
1173 Remove the %%Domain%% variables from the comference email templates
1174 Contacts inside of groups are not enumerated within invite feature
1177 Stop sharing appears for participants in media sharing
1178 Media sharing needs to be listed as feature to disable in conference definition
1179 Media sharing should be a feature that can be disabled from the conference definition
1180 Share menu was not displayed until user rejoined
1182 License and trial information is sometimes never updated
1183 PC shows as disconnected even though its connected
1184 Audio and video settings not drawn under certain scenario
1185 Balloon edge stays on screen and never goes away
1186 Contacts appearing at top of list
1187 Common name not displayed when receiving a popup
1188 System rating balloon can stay on screen and never disappear
1189 File shared balloon stays on screen
1191 Popup shows numerous times
1192 Downloading document icon obscured in users list
1193 Exception: Invalid pointer operation.
1196 Build information should be at the bottom of the logon page
1197 Invite email should exist for each conference individually just like 4.6
1198 Email invitations should allow users to import emails from text/CSV or the clipboard
1199 Media sharing volume is not retained
1200 Composition layout appeared incorrectly on multiple machines
1201 Tester claims WMV that does not play in media sharing feature
1202 PPT becomes very large after export and encode
1203 Screen name is not displayed on the share tab for shared media files
1206 Media file that shares but produces lots of artifacts
1208 iCal inserting invalid conference hyperlinks
1209 Nefsis crashes on a computer as soon as they accept Terms and Conditions
1211 ActiveX loader producing DAX Error
1213 Audio does not unmute properly
1214 PowerPoint that crashes CC
1215 Audio sources should be a checkbox, not a radio group
1218 Invite balloon should not take keyboard focus away
1219 AVI recording runs very fast
1220 Allow and block features do not work
1222 Audio settings kept changing in an infinite loop
1223 Remove SSL weak cipher support
1224 Allow secure connections over ports other than 443
1226 PC should not allow child accounts to create groups
1227 ActiveX produced DAX error
1236 Unable to select "decline" to a contact request when status is busy
1237 Recording volume defaults to 100% under Windows XP
1238 PC will not create subsequent accounts in a deployment
1257 Possibilty to making XML logging an application-wide setting instead of an account specific setting
1263 AVI that shows artifacts when playing back as media share
1267 Set as active picture not reflected in follow my layout
1274 Exception: [A component named NavBarGroupNefsisNewsItem0 already exists] TFormStart.LoadNavBarGroupF
1277 Blocking popups and chat still shows 'popup' link in contact list when mouseover
1278 Blocking popups still allows access to popup history
1282 Popups received is no longer available under History
1283 Group common names with & are not rendered properly in contact list
1284 Calendar invite feature using iCal embeds wrong password
1285 Right clicking on ribbon tabs shows empty popup list
1291 When adding invite emails from the clipboard set the name to the email address
1297 Unread popup messages cause tray icon to flash too quickly
1300 Implement and test new version of Add Contact confirmation
1304 The popup message notification icon animation appears to freeze 
1305 Nefsis invites from within CC do not work


Build 234 - April 27, 2009

This update fixes numerous reported issues and adds major new features.

New Features:

Added file sharing & handouts
Added media file sharing
Added echo cancellation designed for desktop speakers and webcam microphones
Added remote audio setting manipulation for hosts
Added improved audio configuration and Windows mixer manipulation
Added warnings for UAC and protected mode
Added improved video encoding
Added support for ICal format scheduled invitations for Outlook

Major Issues Resolved:

Fixed continuous attempt to connect after startup

Minor Issues Resolved:

306 Hosts groups should be at the top of the users list
706 File transfer changes
890 File transfer may not work properly with UAC or protected mode
998 Annotations returned after being deleted and returning to same conference
1000 Picture in picture stop drawing properly for a participant
1004 Access violation at address 0000006E. Read of address 0000006E.
1020 Floating videos with follow my layout on secondary monitor should be on top of other windows
1024 Settings form height is too tall on some systems
1025 PC_accounts.xml gets cleared or corrupted
1026 Video gets clipped when activating chat in some situations
1027 Text chat not counting new chat messages properly
1028 PowerPoint that displays improperly on Nefsis
1029 Invite contacts displays desktop center and should be screen center
1031 Region share not always graying out videos
1033 Chat panel caption should change to the selected chat users
1035 Privileges are not set correctly with the participants group
1036 Erroneous error reported on login page
1037 Computer misidentified as Pentium III instead of dual core
1038 Chat appears in video only layout
1040 Add ping from CC to VCS to make sure CC connection is still alive to prevent ghost connections
1041 Conference list not displayed properly under some circumstances
1042 Exception: [Access violation at address 00ADF2AD] TFormConferenceEditInformation.UpdateControls.
1044 Forgot your password returns erroneous error codes
1046 Join existing conference makes bad command line to launch CC.exe
1047 Move XML logging to connection settings page
1048 Unmuted even though mute is checked
1049 Proxy authentication dialog reappears after period of time
1050 Exception: [Access violation at address 00698375 in module 'PC.exe'] TXMLAccountData.GetRootNode.
1051 Hyperlink not supported in text chat
1052 Subscribe to contact shows wrong contact to approve
1053 Verify that the AssignConnectionSettings for proxies happens for Forgot my password
1055 Invite emails with spaces are not formatted correctly
1060 Merge the video device and video input into something that looks like the new audio panel
1062 Test connection feature does not use HTTPS
1063 QueryVirtualConference returns invalid URL syntax
1065 Exception: [Access violation at address 008029FF in module 'CC.exe'] TConferenceShare.AddLivePacket.
1066 Unable to change the date/time of an existing scheduled conference
1067 Automatically allow participants to join the conference always shows 5 minutes
1068 Summary page shows conference scheduled times incorrectly as 12:00am
1073 Auto enable possibly not updating LastUpdated field for conference
1075 Hidden contacts got invitation to a meeting when sending request to a group
1077 Aspect ratio not correct when changing video resolutions
1078 Cannot send PNG images in popups
1082 Add ability to query the licenses used and show this on a dialog
1085 Unable to remote control CC.exe with settings window open
1089 Connection settings dialog is visually clipped
1092 Drop of popup attachments from version 222 to 227 causes error
1097 New users should select a video device if the default device isn't working
1099 Exception: [A call to an OS function failed] TFormAudioSettings.Initialize
1100 User was able to add a picture at resolution of 720x480
1101 Exception: [Access violation at address 00A9F54A] TVideos.DrawTabs
1102 Hitting the enter key should join the conference from start page join feature
1103 Access violation at address 007FC86E in module 'CC.exe'.  TwrAnnotationWindow.ImageBegin
1104 Exception: [Access violation at address 009D8562 in module 'PC'] TFormMain.PopupMenuTemplatesPopup.
1105 Conferences that cannot be deleted
1106 Terms of service and video device in use dialog conflict
1107 Connection balloon not properly updated after reconnecting manually
1108 Media file that plays in WMP but not in Nefsis
1109 AEC diagnostic files are not enabled properly
1110 Exception: [Access violation at address 007F12EC in module 'CC.exe'] TFormMain.ShowAudioInputSelecto
1111 Strange mouse behavior when changing level while remote control
1112 Exception: [Specified image file did not contain a resource section] TFormAudioSettings.Initialize.
1113 Audio and video get out of sync
1120 Exception: [Access violation at address 00800FBE in module 'CC.exe'] TLiveShare.HandleCapture
1121 Exception: [Invalid pointer operation.]
1123 Add contact request occurs over and over
1124 Account settings from prior session are used for new account
1126 Echo Cancel and Noise Reduction checkboxes can cause continuous loop
1131 Join dialog and password dialog does not have proper input focus
1137 Annotation toolbar for desktop shares shows and hides too fast
1139 Exception: [Access violation at address 00404A36 in module 'PC.exe'] TFormMain.ActionPopupFromTempla
1140 Exception: [Access violation at address 00000000. Read of address 00000000] TChats.Delete
1141 CCSetup will default to Program Files even if the user has no rights
1142 Exception: [Access violation at address 00AD7BD6 in module 'PC.exe'.] TFormChat.GetOidStateOfOid
1145 PC is not automatically starting on system startup by default
1148 Animated cursors over live shares stay on screen when you switch to video layout
1150 Cannot abort a file transfer
1151 Conference template is not saved
1152 Expert view not being retained
1155 Aborting a PPT upload causes CC to fail to upload further PPTs
1157 Automatically launch PC.exe if the Office plugin requires it running
1158 Add contact requests may not be appearing properly in the contact list
1159 When remote controlling the float window should go to background when mouseover
1160 Cannot abort a file sharing upload
1161 Low quality media sharing should be half frame rate
1162 Add invitees to a schedule conference from Outlook does not work
1163 Videos are clipped on screen
1165 Exception: [Access violation at address 00406140 in module 'PC.exe'] TFormConferenceCenter.TreeListC
1166 Registration details does not show users who registered to an open conference
1167 Media sharing distorted with AVI file


Build 222 - December 5, 2008

This update fixes numerous reported issues and removes the automatic popup error reporting system.

New Features:

Added new contact list view that displays the contacts picture
Added rollover toolbar to contact list for direct access to personal meeting room
Added FLV video player for Flash recordings (995)
Added export to CSV for registered conference users (1022)
Added support for authenticating proxies that require a username & password
Added remember previous recording settings
Added getting started help, video tutorials and quick start document
Added RSS capability to the start tab for Nefsis news

Major Issues Resolved:

Fixed ResetSocket issue (951)
Fixed Control 'ButtonTalk' has no parent window (956)

Minor Issues Resolved:

625 Updated engine for capturing webcam pictures
917 Popup attachments should support drag and drop to the desktop
947 Prevent conference template and popup template creation without a name
949 Exception: [Floating point division by zero] TResample.GetZoom.
950 Exception: [System Error.  Code: 6. The handle is invalid] wrEnhMetaCallback.
952 Exception: [Access violation at address 005AB941 in module 'PC.exe'] TFormConferenceCenter.ListColum
953 Exception: [Assertion failure (C:\Projects\nefsis\PC\frmMain.pas, line 4213)] TFormMain.ShowUpdateDi
954 Exception: [Access violation at address 007F5430 in module 'CC.exe'.] TLiveShare.HandleCapture.
955 Exception: [Range check error] TConferenceShare.Create.
957 Check for possible visual issues with large fonts
958 Check for possible visual issues with large fonts
959 Cannot adjust custom priority for offline contacts
960 Personal image not displayed properly after reconnect
962 Spelling issue when creating new account
963 Exception: [Assertion failure (C:\Projects\nefsis\PC\uWizLogic.pas, line 1207)] TAddAccountLogic.Pro
964 Exception: [Access violation at address 004DCA99 in module 'CC.exe'] TChats.Delete.
965 User reports that test connection button only says failure even though it works
966 Exception: [Invalid floating point operation] UTCToLocalTime.
967 Exception: [Access violation at address 00AE1D44 in module 'PC.exe'] TOIDs.SetGroupOwner.
968 Access violation at address 008E2F9D in module 'PC.exe'. Read of address 00000000.
969 Error reading TrayIcon.Visible: Cannot create shell notification icon.
971 Adding an attachment that is file locked creates erroneous error and sends bogus popup
972 Show details for proxy dialog displays an empty text box
973 Exception: [Access violation at address 00942B89 in module 'CC.exe'] TPCMessages.Send.
974 Exception: [Access violation at address 00AE13A4 in module 'PC.exe'] (nil).GetSelfOID.
976 PPT color conversion issue
977 Remote control can leave mouse in selection marquee
978 Access violation at address 008E2FE1 in module 'PC.exe'. Read of address 00000000.
979 Exception: [Assertion failure (C:\Projects\nefsis\PC\...] TFormConferenceEditMain.ButtonOKJoinClick.
980 Exception: [Access violation at address 005AB941 in module 'PC.exe'] TFormConferenceCenter.ListColum
981 Exception: [OLE error 8004406F] TConferenceRecorder.OpenAVICompressor.
982 Exception: [Access violation at address 00406447 in module 'PC.exe'] TFormConferenceCenter.IsMeeting
983 Test connection button does not work properly
984 Changing connection settings is not applied properly until you restart PC
986 Popup does not show the OK button for network tools test
987 Floating videos no longer resize properly when changing resolution
988 Exception: [Access violation at address 7C91B1FA in module 'ntdll.dll'] TConferenceShare.GetPointerW
989 Exception: [Access violation at address 007F5430 in module 'cc.exe'] TLiveShare.HandleCapture.
990 Exception: [Access violation at address 00401EDB in module 'CC.exe'] TFormShare.FormClose.
991 Exception: [Access violation at address 774F9B30 in module 'msvcrt.dll'] TFormConferenceCenter.TreeL
992 When a presenter shares an app/desktop, then exits CC, the share remains alive for other participant
993 Exception: ['' is not a valid integer value] TFormMain.Initialize.
994 Access violation at address 00A76D11 in module 'CC.exe'. Write of address 6400A76E.
996 Static video image remains in background of video area
999 Recording dialog browse folder button no longer shows icon
1001 Follow my layout causes possible loopback issue with entire video area
1002 Exception: [Access violation at address 00569114 in module 'PC.exe'] TFormMain.FormDestroy.
1003 Exception: [System Error.  Code: 1400. Invalid window handle] TFormMain.ActionShowMainFormExecute.
1005 Exception: [Access violation at address 00403E9F in module 'PC.exe'] TFormMain.UpdateStatusImage.
1006 Remote control confirmation dialog causes CC to stop
1007 Remote control of live shares doesn't work
1008 Exception: [Access violation at address 00407A91 in module 'PC.exe'] TChats.Disconnect.
1009 Access violation at address 00404A34 in module 'PC.exe'. Read of address 72612065.
1010 Automatic startup when Windows starts should only affect the current logon user
1011 Message popup button does not show popup messages
1016 Test connection does not work with proxy authentication
1017 Send to meeting room does not properly send participant password
1021 Custom registration fields should default to 16 characters, not zero
1023 Text chat not logging properly to the chats listing