Depending on how a conference has been set up, there can be up to 13 different privileges in a conference. These privileges can be given or taken away from any conference attendee by a Host.
You can give or remove specific privileges from attendees by the following steps.
What is the Chat privilege...
With the Chat privilege, the attendee can start a private text-chat with individuals in the conference by right-clicking on an attendee in the user-list and selecting "Chat".
Give the Chat privilege...
- While in a Nefsis conference (as a Host)...
- Right-click on an attendee in the user-list
- Select Privileges -> Chat (so it is ticked)
NOTE: Only Hosts in the conference can promote and demote other attendees.
Remove the Chat privilege...
- While in a Nefsis conference (as a Host)...
- Right-click on an attendee in the user-list
- Select Privileges -> Chat (so it is un-ticked)
NOTE: Only Hosts in the conference can promote and demote other attendees.