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Nefsis® Announces Live HD Media Sharing

Nefsis customers can now play HD media files during their online
meetings, while interacting with each other over VoIP and video conferencing

San Diego, California — December 29, 2009 — Nefsis announced today the ability to share an HD media file in real-time, while discussing it during a multipoint VoIP and video conference. Nefsis videoconference participants can see and hear each other, while watching a movie or short film clip. The host can even pause, and replay the media file, and everyone in the videoconference gets the same 'synchronous' experience, just as if they were in the same physical conference room. Nefsis live media sharing satisfies pent-up demand among business customers for playing product demonstration and training movies, in a live, online meeting forum.

There are numerous solutions for sharing movie files, running the gamut from download sites to streaming applications. But none of these satisfy the business requirement to play a media file among multiple, geographically distributed participants and discuss it in real-time. Most conferencing vendors solve this problem by using a separate, third-party application. Each participant plays the movie separately, before resuming the online meeting.

"The Nefsis share media feature is an extraordinary achievement," said Tom Toperczer, VP Marketing, Nefsis. "It highlights the technical capabilities of Nefsis multi-core concurrency. Just a few years ago you couldn't play HD on a computer at all. Now you can play an HD movie file and discuss it in a videoconference session with all your co-workers."

Nefsis uses advanced technology to achieve high-quality business video conferencing using off-the-shelf PCs and video peripherals. The Company's cloud computing and multi-core, parallel processing software brings far more compute power to multipoint video meetings than ever before possible. This greatly improves the video conferencing experience, especially when sharing desktops, applications, and now media files, which are all compute-intensive tasks. Nefsis automatically throttles video quality, bandwidth and CPU availability, delivering the best possible conference experience, without bogging down the customer's desktop computer or Internet access.

The Live Media Sharing feature is available now, and is included in Nefsis v5.2.

About Nefsis
Headquartered in San Diego, California, Nefsis® is a next generation, video conferencing software and online service solution designed for effortless, business-to-business online meetings. The Nefsis server cloud and multi-core concurrency accelerate desktop sharing and multipoint video, connecting employees, customers and business partners anywhere they have Internet access. Nefsis is especially popular among small-to-medium size organizations, where its high quality video, security controls and easy implementation deliver exceptional value. For more information, please browse the Nefsis website or call (858) 715-0970.

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